FlashSystem Assign authorization code

When you acquire a licensed function for a FlashSystem machine, you will receive a FlashSystem licensed function authorization document from IBM or an authorized IBM Business Partner. An authorization code is printed on the licensed function authorization document.
To obtain a license key for the function, you must assign the authorization code to your machine.

The assignment activity is performed by using either:

  • The FlashSystem management GUI
  • The Storage license management application

To perform the assignment activity using the SLM application, follow these steps:

  1. Select the FlashSystem tile on the Storage license management page to work with a FlashSystem machine. You will need to enter following information about your machine:

    • Machine type
    • Machine serial number
    • Machine signature
  2. After you enter the data above click the "Search" button to see the results in the table.

    a) If you see the message "There are no license keys on your machine", it means you have not activated any function for your machine before. Click the "Add a function" button to continue to the next step.

    b) If you have assigned functions to your machine previously, they will be displayed in the table. To add another function to your machine, click the "Actions" button in the top right corner of the table and select the "Add a function" option.

  3. A modal window will open where you must enter an authorization code to activate a function on your machine. This code is printed on the FlashSystem function authorization document.
    After you insert the authorization code, click the "Add authorization code" button. A success message will be displayed on the top of the page and the function will be visible in the table.
    Repeat the process for any other authorization codes you have not used before.

  4. The resulting license keys will be visible in the table. You can either copy them directly from the table or use the "Download license keys" option from the "Actions" button in the top right corner of the table.
    The "Download license keys" option will store and download all license keys in an xml file. Then you can apply the license keys to your machine using the FlashSystem management GUI.

Regardless of the method used to perform the assignment, when an authorization code is assigned to a machine:

  • The function it represents will be associated to that machine in the SLM database.
  • A license key is generated for the function.

An authorization code can be assigned to only one machine. Once it has been assigned, it cannot be removed, reassigned, or transferred to a different machine.
The assignment activity only needs to be performed once per authorization code. The assignment information is permanently stored in SLM database.