Base Composer - General information
Base Composer is the new experience for integrating Inventory Services functions into ESS and is also available in other IBM applications. It allows you to create carts with inventory data: hardware, software, and active software maintenance contracts to be used in e-config on Cloud and CPQ Hub.
Existing carts are always checked for outdated data. When something changes about inventory records you have in your cart already, it is flagged as outdated and you are able to refresh its content to match live inventory.
However, accessing customer inventory automatically extends your IBMid with the right customer number, only with view access to the inventory itself. The extension of your IBMid is silent and no email notification to the customer administrator is generated.
End Customer's BP-block is still enforced, so if you need access to a BP-blocked inventory, you need to contact the End Customer's admininistrator.
If you need full access to end customer data (for example Software downloads, IBM i software keys), you need to go through a full registration on ESS under My profile > Register Customer Number.