Ranking work items by dragging

When a plan is sorted by rank, you can rank work items by dragging them on the Planned Items tab.


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the Actions column until the mouse pointer changes to a four-pointed arrow:

    Image shows cursor that changes into a four-pointed arrow at the left of the Actions column.

  2. As you drag the work item, a black line indicates where the work item can be inserted.
  3. Release the mouse pointer to insert the work item at the point of the black line.

    If the previous work item is ranked, the dragged item is ranked next, and then all subsequent items increase in rank by one. If the previous work item is not ranked, the rank of the dragged item is removed, and its Sort unranked items by attribute is changed to that of the predecessor to maintain the ordering sequence.

    Important: If you use a user-defined Sort unranked items by attribute, the rank is removed from the item, but its Sort unranked items by attribute is unchanged.
    Note: About attribute-based ranking:
    • When ranking work items with attribute-based ranking, by default, the work item's priority attribute is used as the primary sort attribute. For unranked items, a change to the item's priority changes its overall ranking. As a result, changing an item from medium to high priority moves it up in the overall ranking, while changing an item from high to low moves it down.
    • For work items with the same priority, you can set their relative ranking order by dragging, which is a way of manually sorting them within priority.
    • If you drag a work item to a different priority grouping, such as medium, its priority automatically changes to match the work items in that group. The work item is ranked after it is dragged over another work item.
    • When you drag an item below a group of unranked items, all of the unranked items are then ranked.