Known issues in Engineering Workflow Management 7.1

The following issues and limitations are known for Engineering Workflow Management 7.1. Some issues have workarounds, and other issues have limitations.


The following issues in this release have workarounds.
Unable to paste an image file with certain extensions into descriptions and large HTML fields

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 575728

You are not able to copy and paste a few image files into the description or large HTML field. When you paste, you receive the following error The image/<image-type> file format(s) are not supported Unsupported formats: BMP, TIFF, HEIC​​​​​​​.

Workaround: Add the image file as a work item attachment and then use the insert image box to add the image into the description or large HTML field.

As a Linux web client user, you cannot save the work item when you copy an image from the file explorer by using the context menu and pasting it into the work item description

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 575451

On the Linux operating system, when you copy an image from the file explorer by using the context menu and paste it into the description or large HTML field, you cannot successfully save the work item. Error encountered: The src attribute of an img tag must be an attachment URL. <data-URL> is not a supported URL format of an attachment. Use the following format for the URL: https://<server>:<port>/<context>/resource/itemName/<attachment_ID>.

  • Add the image file as an attachment to the work item and then insert the image inline to the description or large HTML field. For more information, see Description box in web client.
  • Capture the image by using the operating system's screenshot feature and paste it into the description or large HTML field. For more information, see Description box in web client.
After a server rename, you are not able to create work items from a work item template that contains images

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 578231

If you created a work item template that includes inline images in the work item description or large HTML field, you are not able to create work items from this template after a server rename operation. Error encountered: The src attribute of an img tag must be an attachment URL. <data-URL> is not a supported URL format of an attachment. Use the following format for the URL: https://<server>:<port>/<context>/resource/itemName/<attachment_ID>.

Workaround: Modify the work item template in the Eclipse client to help ensure that the src attribute of the img element is pointing to the renamed server URL, For more information, see Editing work item templates

Browser context menu items is not available on the work item description or large HTML field

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 578652

When you right-click the work item description or large HTML field, you do not see the browser context menu options and instead see the ckeditor plugin menu items.

Workaround: To view the browser context menu items, press Ctrl and right-click in Windows or Cmd and right-click on a Mac.


The following issues in the release do not have workarounds.

Viewing inline images and tables in certain clients such as email, work item history, and Jazz Reporting Service views

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 575452

Problem: The newly introduced inline images and tables feature does not display in certain scenarios, such as email notifications, work item history, and Jazz reporting tools. For additional information on the capabilities and limitations, refer to the Description box in web client

Modifying comment text for a completed change set does not report it in JRS

First occurrence: 7.0.3

Internal ID: 577839

Problem: If a change set comment is modified for a completed change set in Engineering Workflow Management, the modification does not flow to JRS, and it continues to report the old comment.

Projects created using a localized version of the SAFe® 6.0 templates result in English-only projects

First occurrence: 7.1

Internal ID: 578812

Problem: In Engineering Workflow Management 7.1, when you create a project by using a localized version of the SAFe® 6.0 Full or Essential template, the project is created in English.