Requesting an IBM i ship list package

An IBM® i package build uses the information in an IBM i package definition to generate an archive of deployable binary files as a compressed or a save file. Create and configure your IBM i package definition and then request a package.

About this task

To request an IBM i ship list package, you must first create an IBM i package definition.


  1. Expand your project area, expand Enterprise Extensions > Packages, and then right-click your IBM i package definition.
  2. Select Create Package.
    The Create Package wizard opens.
  3. In the Packaging Type Selection window, select Ship list packaging, which is the default option.
    1. Optional: Add a time stamp in this format: YYYYMMDD-HHmmssSSSS, for example, 20130523-1204590526.
      Adding a time stamp packages any artifacts in the ship list that are newer than the time that is indicated.
    2. Optional: To change the user authority for running this package, expand the Build Agent Authentication Override section and enter a user name and password.
    3. Optional: To change the build properties that are associated with this package, expand the Build Properties section and add, edit, or remove properties.
    4. Click Next.
  4. Optional: In the Library Mapping Selection window, specify any additional changes that you want to make to your library mapping table before you create your package. Click Add or Edit, and the Mapping Entry Manager wizard opens. Indicate which library you want to map from, and which library you want to map to. Click OK, and then click Next in the Library Mapping Selection window.
  5. Optional: In the Include Ship List Selection window, specify any additional changes that you want to make to your include ship list table before you create your package. Click Add or Edit, and the Ship List Manager wizard opens.
    1. Choose Select specific objects. To enable Select specific objects, you must first select a build definition.
    2. List a Library, Object, and Type filter.
    3. Click OK.
      You are returned to the Include Ship List Selection window, and your filters are displayed in the Include table.
    4. Click Next.
  6. Optional: In the Exclude Ship List Selection window, specify any additional changes that you want to make to your exclude ship list table before you create your package. Click Add, and the Ship List Manager wizard opens.
    1. Choose Select specific objects. To enable Select specific objects, you must first select a build definition.
    2. List a Library, Object, and Type filter.
    3. Click OK.
      You are returned to the Exclude Ship List Selection window, and your filters are displayed in the Exclude table.
  7. Click Finish.

What to do next

Check your package results. For more information, see Checking packaging results.