Creating zFiles and associating them with language definitions

You must create zFiles and associate them with language definitions if you want to scan source code and run builds.

About this task

Follow these steps to create a zFile, define any artifacts that your project requires, and associate them with language definitions.


  1. Right-click the zFolder in which you want to create the zFile, then select New > zFile.
  2. Specify a name for the zFile.
  3. Select a language definition.
    • You must already have shared your zComponent Project.
    • When you create a language definition, you can associate certain zFiles with that language definition by specifying one or more file extensions in the Language Definition editor. For more information, see Creating a z/OS language definition.
  4. Click Finish.

What to do next

For more information about how to associate language definitions with your zFiles or other artifacts, whether one at a time or several at once, see Source code data collection service.