The zOSStore task stores a simple text or binary file on a z/OS system via FTP.
The following table describes standard zOSStore attributes.
Attribute | Description | Required |
failOnError | If the value is true (the default), the
task fails if it encounters an error. If the value is false ,
some errors are ignored and the task is completed. |
No |
failproperty | Name of the ant property in which to store the result of
the task. If the task is successful, the specified property
will be set to true . If the task fails, the
specified property will be set to false . If failOnError
is set to true, this option has no effect. |
No |
reportError | If the value is true (the default) and failOnError
is set to false , an informational message
is written to the log when an error is encountered which includes
the error message text. If the value is false , no
message is written to the log when an error is encountered.
If failOnError is set to true , this option
has no effect . |
No |
reportTrace | If the value is true and reportError is
true and failOnError is false , the stack trace
for the error is written to the log. If the value is false (the
default), the stack trace for the error is not written to the
log. If failOnError is set to true , or if reportError
is set to false , this option has no effect. |
No |
The following table describes task specific attributes of ZOSStore.
Attribute | Description | Required |
binaryFile | If the value is true , a binary transfer
is performed. If the value is false (the default),
a text transfer is performed. |
No |
deleteFile | If the value is true , the z/OS file is deleted
after the file is successfully transferred. If the value is false (the
default), the z/OS file is not deleted. |
No |
file | The fully qualified path to the local file to transfer. | Yes |
zosCodePage | Specifies the name of the z/OS FTP code page to use when retrieving a file. If a code page is not specified, the default code page is used. The default code page is locally defined on the specified z/OS system. | No |
zosDataset | Specifies the name of the z/OS sequential dataset to fetch. Specify either the zosDataset or the zosLibrary attribute. One of the two attributes is required. Specifying both attributes is invalid. | Yes* |
zosHost | Specifies the URL of the z/OS host. | Yes |
zosLibrary | Specifies the name of the z/OS PDS dataset where the member to be fetched is located. Specify either the zosDataset or the zosLibrary attribute. One of the two attributes is required. Specifying both attributes is invalid. | Yes* |
zosMember | Specifies the name of the member to fetch. If zosLibrary is specified, zosMember is required. | Yes* |
zosPassword | Specifies the encrypted password to use when logging onto the z/OS system. | Yes |
zosUser | Specifies the user ID for authentication to the z/OS system. | Yes |
Note: Encrypted passwords can be generated by the zosPassword
ant task or by the zImportGetPassword Java application. To generate
an encrypted password with the zosPassword task refer to the task's
documentation. To generate an encrypted password with the zImportGetPassword
Java application, issue the following command from a Windows command
prompt window:
java -classpath path_to_jar\com.ibm.team.enterprise.smpe.toolkit.jar
com.ibm.team.enterprise.smpe.toolkit.internal.zimport.util.zImportGetPassword pw
"path_to_jar" with the actual path to the jar file and "pw" with the
actual password.Example
Store a file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="zOSStore" default="main" xmlns:es="antlib:com.ibm.team.enterprise.smpe.toolkit">
<target name="main" description="main">