Integrating Engineering Workflow Management and Rational Change

Important: The following integration is deprecated. It is no longer being enhanced and might be removed in subsequent releases of the product. For the announcement, see What's new in Engineering Workflow Management in 7.0.3.

You can integrate IBM Engineering Workflow Management with Rational Change so that Engineering Workflow Management works items are synchronized with Rational Change change requests.

By synchronizing work items with change requests, you can enable a team that uses Engineering Workflow Management to collaborate with a team that uses Rational Change. Alternatively, one team might use Rational Change for change management and use Engineering Workflow Management for source control, planning, and builds. In this scenario, users track their work in Rational Change change requests, synchronize those change requests with Engineering Workflow Management work items, and associate their change sets with those work items. Users can then trace their change requests, such as defects and enhancements, to the change sets that are created to address those change requests.

To configure the integration, use Rational Synchronization Server. Within the Rational Synchronization Server, select the Rational Change for Rational Team Concert Interface. The Rational Change for Rational Team Concert Interface lets you specify how to map Change change request attributes to Engineering Workflow Management work item attributes.