Managing the team with work items

You can use work items to manage your work and to manage the work of your team.

With the Jazz-based work item system, team members can assign tasks and defects to each other and view everyone's status. Test plan authors and test case designers can distribute their work for review and track the status of each reviewer. Test cases can be linked to development work items to better track the progress of product features.

Work items are managed in the external work item provider.

If you use the Engineering Workflow Management application of Engineering Workflow Management as your work item provider, you can view the work items in an embedded tab within Engineering Test Management. The My Tasks widget will be updated accordingly to show the work items. Bidirectional links are also created automatically for traceability and navigation. As a result, you can easily navigate to the work items from Engineering Test Management and also navigate to test artifacts from the Engineering Workflow Management work items.

Predefined work item types

The following table lists and describes work item types.

Work item type Description
Defect A work item that tracks a defect in the application under test.
Task-Quality An externally stored work assignment that is typically associated with a test plan, test case, or test script. For example, when a user is asked to complete a section of a test plan, that user is assigned a Task-Quality work item.