Creating and running Selenium scripts in the Engineering Test Management

You can create a reference to a Selenium script in the same way that you create any script in the Engineering Test Management.


  1. Click Construction > Create > Test Script.
  2. Select the script type as JUnit Selenium.
  3. In the JUnit Selenium Script Details section, specify values for these fields:
    • Test Class: The name of the JUnit Selenium class to execute.
    • Classpath: The class path entries that are required to run the test class.
    • Java System Properties: The Java system properties to pass to the Java virtual machine (JVM).
      Note: To use commas to separate values in the Java System Properties field, insert single quotation marks. For example, enter steps=JazzScenarioStep00_CustomSetup, tests='test01,test02,test03,test04'. You can filter test cases and test methods during the execution of Selenium scripts. For more information, see Filter test cases and test methods during Selenium script execution.
  4. After you create the script, assign it to a test case and, optionally, assign the test case to a test suite.
    You can also create a Selenium script that can test multiple test cases that are associated with a test suite. For more information, see Selenium adapter implementation for multiple test cases.
  5. Run the test case or test suite. Instead, you can create or generate a test case execution record or test suite execution record.
  6. Run the test case execution record or test suite execution record and select the JUnit Selenium adapter.

What to do next

After the Selenium test runs, you can view the execution results to see the following information:

  • Overall test start and stop times
  • Detailed information about each JUnit test:
    • JUnit test name
    • Test start and stop times
    • Pass or fail status, and for failed tests, the exception that caused the failure
    • Screen capture that is generated by the test