Project properties

To see the project properties, open the Managed Project Properties window by clicking the Administration icon (Administration) in the banner and selecting Manage Project Properties. The Manage Project Properties menu is available to JazzAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins, the Project Area administrators, or the users who are provided the Manage Project Properties > View permission. To edit any attribute or property in the Manage Project Properties window, the users must be provided the Manage Project Properties > Edit permission.

To provide a controlled access to the users, the property-specific permissions are associated with the following project properties:

  • Execution States: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Execution States.
  • Lab Resource and Channel Properties: The permission that is specific to the attributes and types, is associated to Save Lab Resource Attributes and Types. The channels-specific permission is associated to Save Channels.
  • Project Execution Variables: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Project Execution Variables.
  • Quality Objectives: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Quality Objective.
  • Report Properties: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Report Properties.
  • Test Plan Environment Types: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Test Plan Environment Types.
  • Categories: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Category.
  • Custom Attributes: The property-specific permission is associated to Save Custom Attributes.

All the users who are provided the property-specific permissions can edit the properties that are listed.

Only JazzProjectAdmins or the Project Area Administrators, even if they are not provided the property-specific permissions can edit the following project properties:
  • Save Lab Resource Attributes and Types
  • Save Report Properties
  • Save Test Plan Environment Types

The rest of the properties do not have any associated property-specific permission. Only JazzProjectAdmins or the Project Area administrators can edit the properties when they are provided the Manage Project Properties > Edit permission.

All the project properties are described in the following table.

Property Description
List View Default Queries This applies to the list views available from the Browse <test artifact> option in the menu bar and not from the list view in the editor sections. Set the default query to run as the project-wide default when a list view is opened. A user can override the default from the User Preferences menu.
Team Areas & Timelines Enable team areas and support for multiple timelines. You can use iterations in timelines outside the project timeline by enabling this property. After this option is enabled, the change is permanent and cannot be reverted.
Build Provider Select and configure the repository where builds are created. Add unique IDs that identify automatically generated builds from Engineering Workflow Management.
Shared Resource Locations Make resources from shared network locations available to IBM® Engineering Test Management. Use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) naming conventions in a Microsoft Windows environment, or the full path name in Linux® and Solaris environments.
Configuration Management Preferences In projects that are enabled for configuration management, if the test results from one project do not matter to another project, you can exclude them.

Exclude from new streams: Reuse only the test artifacts, but not the test results, from a baseline. Example: On a new version of a product for a different region, the test results from other regions might not matter.

You might not select this option for a stream where you do similar work as in the parent configuration. Example: For a maintenance release, you might want the test results from the parent baseline.

Exclude when you merge into a stream: Merge only changed test artifacts from a baseline into a stream (for projects that are enabled for baselines or configuration management). Example: The test results from a maintenance stream might not be useful for a development stream.

Exclude when you clone from a component: Reuse only the test artifacts, but not the test results, when you clone test artifacts from a baseline of a component. Examples:
  • Clone an Engine component to start a different one, such as a new hybrid engine that meets stricter emissions standards. This option excludes the original test results because they are not relevant to the new hybrid engine.
  • If you are splitting an airplane component into small pieces such as Engine, Fuselage, Wing, you might clear this option to keep the history of the test results after you reorganize the project.
Link Validity Enable this preference to show the validity of a link. You can also set it to mark all links as valid when a test case is approved.
Report Properties Include default images for report headers and footers. The designated image area is 1600x100 pixels. Smaller images are stretched to fill the image area. To avoid stretching, add white space around smaller images until the image dimensions reach 1600x100 pixels.
Execution States Determine the execution states to display in execution results.
Execution Preferences Define how testers can unblock test case execution records and can enable or disable applying a verdict to all statements in a manual test.
  • Select Disable Apply All functionality for manual tests to force testers to apply a result to each statement individually in a manual test. When this checkbox is cleared, a tester can assign the same verdict to the remaining statements by clicking Apply All, and then selecting a verdict.
  • Select Execute manual test script steps in any order to execute manual test scripts steps in any order during the execution of manual test scripts. By default, you can execute manual test scripts steps in sequential order. When you select this checkbox, you can execute them in any order.
  • Select Allow steps to be added and deleted, and the Description and Expected Results columns to be updated during manual test script execution to update manual test script steps during test script execution. You can edit the Description and Expected Results columns of the step and add new steps or delete existing steps during execution.
    Note: You must have permissions to add, edit, or delete steps during execution. Enable these permissions in the Permissions section by clicking Manage This Project Area.
  • Select Show the previous step results when executing the same test case execution record to view the previous verdicts of a step when you run the same test case execution record. You can view the three previous verdicts.
  • Select Disable pre-populating the summary and description of a new defect with the related test script information to create a defect with blank Summary and Description fields.
  • If you want to make it mandatory for the tester to review or modify the execution variable values before the test starts, select the Modify execution variable values checkbox by default in the Run Test Case and Run Test Suite dialog boxes.
  • Select When a new test execution record is created, make the development items from the associated test case blocking defects to add all development items that are associated to the test case as blocking defects to the generated test case execution records.
  • Select Unblock the test execution record when all the associated blocking defects are resolved to automatically mark test case execution records that were blocked as Non-blocking after all blocking defects that are associated with the test case execution records are resolved.
  • Select Unblock the test execution record when a build contains fixes for all the associated blocking defects to automatically mark test case execution records that were blocked as Non-blocking after a build that contains fixes for all blocking defects that are associated with the test case execution records.
  • Select During a test suite execution, automatically select a test script that is associated with the test case if the user does not set a default test script to automatically determine the default test script for a test suite step during the test suite execution in the following scenarios:
    • The test suite step does not have a default test script.
    • The existing default test script is archived or removed from the associated test case of the test suite step.
    The automated test script with the highest ID (when the associated test case contains both automated and manual test scripts) or the manual test script with the highest ID is selected as the default test script.
  • If the associated test case contains both automated and manual test scripts, and the tester sets a manual test script as the default test script for the test suite, select During a test suite execution, automatically select an automated test script that is associated with the test case if the user sets a manual test script to automatically select an automated test script as the default test script during the test suite execution. The automated test script with the highest ID is selected as the default test script.
  • Select If a test suite is executed by an execution schedule, exclude test suite steps that do not have associated scripts to exclude test suite steps with no associated test scripts during a scheduled test execution. When you create an execution schedule, you must have an associated test script for each step of the test suite. You can archive the associated test script later or remove it from the test suite step. If this property is enabled, those steps are excluded while the test suite is running from an execution schedule. No execution request or result is created for that step.
  • Select Automatically assign executor as owner to test case and test suite execution record if owner is not assigned to automatically assign ownership of test case and test suite execution records.
  • Select Enable channels to enable the use of channels in your project's test flows. Log out and log in again for this change to take effect.
  • Select Automatically create test case execution records whenever a test suite execution record is created for better workload estimation during test planning. When you select this checkbox and create a test suite execution record, he test cases in the test suite do not have test case execution records are automatically created. By default, test case execution records must be created individually or when a test suite execution record is run. To find out which test case execution records are planned for a test plan, see the test plan.
    Note: This option is only applicable for users that have permission to create test case execution records.
  • Select Set the rolled-up result as the current execution result for test cases and test suites to set the result of the roll-up operation as the current result of the execution record.
  • Select When test case executions are canceled or stopped, set unexecuted steps as Deferred to set the verdict of the test case execution record as Deferred instead of Inconclusive when a test case execution record is canceled or stopped. Enable this preference if you use the roll-up operation for test case execution records.
  • Select Validate the weight distribution for test result verdicts to alert the user if there are no points of the corresponding verdict set in the weight distribution when you save the test result.
  • Select Display the test case attributes in an online test case execution without a test script to include test case attributes as a section during the execution of a test case without a test script.
  • Select Display the test case categories in an online test case execution without a test script to include test case categories as a section during the execution of a test case without a test script.
  • Select Select a single machine for the test suite if all steps in the test suite contain the same type of test script to use a single adapter when you run a test suite with steps that contain the same type of automated test script, such as command-line scripts or Rational® Functional Tester scripts. When you run the test suite, by default, the Engineering Test Management application uses a single adapter for all the test suite steps. However, you can manually change the adapter for any step.
    • Select Select from all available machines in a test cell if the test suite is configured to run in parallel mode to use a machine from the list of available machines in the test cell, if the test suite is run in parallel mode.
  • Select Enforce lab machine reservation to enforce specific behavior for machine reservations at test execution time. The setting has the following two options:
    • Disallow tests to be queued on a machine that is reserved by someone else: Select this option to prevent multiple testers from competing for the same test resources. When this preference is enabled, testers cannot see machines that other testers reserved. Automated schedules ignore this preference.
    • Allow tests to be queued on any machine, and when the user reserves the machine, automatically start the tests: Select this option to queue tests on a machine, even if the machine is not reserved for the current user. When selected, automatic reservations are prevented. Instead, the test lead, lab manager, or tester must reserve a test machine for the test execution by using Lab Management. When the time that is scheduled for the machine reservation is reached, the test case or test suite is automatically run.
  • Use Custom search criteria for the execution adapter to determine which adapters are selected for an automated test execution based on certain environmental information in the execution record that is being executed.
  • Select Always search adapter within test cell at run time for scheduled execution to use only adapters within the specified test cell of a test suite or execution schedule when you are executing the test suite or execution schedule.
  • Select Search for other available adapter based on applicable adapter search criteria, if assigned adapter is not found to select another adapter according to adapter search criteria if the adapter was deleted after you assigned the adapter for execution.
  • Select Restrict the reuse of the lab resource if it is reserved for a test if you do not want the adapter search to include lab resources that are reserved by a test case, test suite, or test schedule.
Test Case or Suite Preferences Enable the Test Activity and Trigger categories in the test case summary.

Enable a test script in the Test Cases section of a test suite.

Set the default values for test case weight and test suite weight.

Enable Automatically delete execution records and results that reference a test plan and that also reference a test suite or test case that is no longer part of that plan.

Enabling this property runs a schedule task that runs every 24 hours and deletes all unreferenced TSER, TCER, TSR, and TCR linked to the test plan.

Test Result Preferences

You can set your test result preferences to change how the weight of a test case is calculated, allow linking between test items and test case results or manual step results, and set attachments to directly open.

Test Script Preferences Enable linking between requirements and test script steps.

Enable the information step type in manual test scripts.

Display the names of files that are attached to manual test script steps and test step results.

Select Prevent deletion of Test Scripts associated with any Keyword, and prevent deletion of Keywords used in any Test Script

Enable this option to prevent the deletion of test scripts that are associated with Keywords and Keywords that are used in Test Scripts. This helps ensure:

  • If you delete a keyword that is used in any test script, the test script becomes invalid with a missing keyword.
  • If you delete a test script that is associated with a keyword, the test script that uses that keyword becomes invalid due to missing information.
Manual Script Preferences Set preferences for the manual or automatic creation of test scripts by test case design or recording.
Execution Record Preferences Set preferences to enable changes to the test environment.
Enable the suspect result status for test case execution records. The execution record is in the suspect result status due to the following reasons:
  • The test case of the execution record changes after the last test run.
  • The test script that is run on the last result changes after the last test run.
  • The execution record with a result was explicitly set to the suspect result status.
Project Execution Variables Define and manage project execution variables, which you can use in test suites, test cases, and test scripts.
Quality Objectives Add, update, and remove the individual quality objectives that can be defined in all test plans in a project area. Quality objectives can be used to define entry criteria, exit criteria, and overall quality objectives.
Requirement Risk Preferences Manage the default requirement risk profile and requirement risk column.
Related Sites Add, arrange, or remove links in the Related Sites panel.
Lab Resource and Channel Properties Add or hide types and attributes of lab resources. For example, you might add Mozilla Firefox version 49 as a new browser type. Define, manage, and delete channels for use in the Engineering Test Management project area.
Test Plan Environment Types Define the test plan environment types that are displayed in the Test Environment section of the Test Plan editor. If you select an environment type to be displayed in the user interface, all its subtypes and attributes are also marked for display by default. You can manually clear types, subtypes, and attributes so that they are not displayed.
Note: The Set Type and Remove Type commands are disabled if the selected node does not have children, or if it has an ancestor node that has a set type. For example, if you create a lab resource and set the new root type as a test plan environment, that root type becomes the default, its child subtypes inherit that type, and the ability to set or remove the type is disabled. To control the subtype level, you must first remove the type that is set for the root.
Artifact category Description
Global Categories Manage global categories by adding, removing, and organizing categories, their values, and structures.
Test Plan Categories Define default categories and category types to organize your test plans into logical groups. Later, when you list all your test plans, you can use these categories to sort and manage the list. The following test plan category types are provided: Product, Release, and Test Phase.
Test Case Categories Define default categories and category types to organize your test cases into logical groups. Later, when you list all your test cases, you can use these categories to sort and manage the list. The following test case category types are provided: Test Phase and Type.
Test Script Categories Define default categories and category types to organize your test scripts into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all your test scripts, you can use these categories to filter and sort the list.
Test Suite Categories Define default categories and category types to organize your test suites into logical groups. The following test suite category types are provided: Function, Test Phase, Theme, and Type.
Test Data Categories Use this section to define categories that help to organize your test data artifacts into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all of your test data, you can use these categories to help you filter and sort the list.
Keyword Categories Use this section to define categories that help to organize your keywords into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all of your keywords, you can use these categories to help you filter and sort the list.

You can add subcategories, add specific category values, and set default values for a category.

Test Case Execution Record Categories Define categories to organize your test case execution records into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all your test execution records, you can use these categories to filter and sort the list.
Test Suite Execution Record Categories Define categories to organize your test suite execution records into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all your test execution records, you can use these categories to filter and sort the list.
Test Case Result Categories Define categories to organize your test case results into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all your test case results, you can use these categories to filter and sort the list.
Test Suite Result Categories Define categories that organize your test suite results into logical hierarchies. Later, when you list all your results, you can use these categories to filter and sort the list.
Custom attributes Description
Test Plan Attributes Define values for the custom attributes that are displayed in the Summary section of a test plan. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Plans page.
Test Case Attributes Define values for the custom attributes that are displayed in the Summary section of a test case. Then, use these values to sort or filter in the Browse Test Cases page.
Test Script Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Overview section of a test script. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Scripts page.
Manual Step Attributes Define the custom attributes whose values are editable during the execution of a test case.
Test Suite Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Summary section of a test suite. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Suites page.
Test Case Execution Records Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Overview section of a test case execution record. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Case Execution Records page.
Test Suite Execution Records Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Overview section of a test suite execution record. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Suite Execution Records page.
Test Case Results Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Result Overview section of a test case result. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Case Results page.
Test Suite Results Attributes Define values for the custom attributes in the Result Overview section of a test suite result. Then, use these values to sort or filter on the Browse Test Suite Results page.
Risk Description
Risk Profiles Manage your risk profiles. With risk profiles, you can create a set of risks that can be reused in every test plan, test case, or requirement in a project.
Risks Create and manage the custom risks that can be included in risk profiles.