Creating test environment values associated with types of machines

You can customize the values of test environment types so that they are associated with types of machines. When you create a test environment type, you can associate it with machines. Then, wherever the machine field is displayed, the environment type is displayed as a value that you can select.

About this task

When you create a lab resource type, if you do not set it as a test environment type, you can later. The definition of the test environment type is based on the attributes of the machine type. Therefore, you must add a new attribute to the machine type to reference the test environment type. To set a lab resource type as a test environment type, complete steps 7 - 12 in the following procedure.


  1. Log in as a user who has permission to save and modify a project area. These users have that permission:
    • A user who has permission to save and modify a project area in the process configuration
    • A user who is an administrator of the project area
    • A user who has either the JazzProjectAdmins or JazzAdmins repository group permissions
  2. In the banner, click the Administration menu Administration and click Manage Project Properties.
  3. Click Lab Resource and Channel Properties. In the Types pane, click the Add New Type (Add) icon.
  4. In the window that opens, type a name for the new lab resource type, and make sure that the Set as a test environment type check box is selected.
    When that check box is selected, the new type is available when you are defining platform coverage and creating test environments. Click OK.
    The new lab resource type is displayed in the list of types.
  5. Define at least one value for the type:
    1. Select the new lab resource type. A new column is displayed to one end of the type.
    2. Click the Add New Type icon. A default value is displayed. The value has the same name as the type, with 1 appended to it.
    3. Click the value name and type a descriptive name.
    4. If needed, create one or more other values. When you are finished, click Save.
  6. Log out, and then log in again.
    The test environment type that you created is displayed in these places:
    • Test environment sections in test plans
    • The wizard for creating test case execution records in test cases
    • The wizard for creating test suite execution records in test suites
    • The Create Test Environments lab management editor
  7. Open the Manage Project Properties page and click Lab Resource and Channel Properties.
  8. In the list of types, hover over Machine, and from the menu that is displayed, click Edit type attributes.
  9. Click the Add icon. In the new row, enter an attribute name. For the data type, select Type. The Value column shows the type that you are configuring. Click OK, and save and reload the page.
  10. Verify that you defined at least one value for the new type. If you do not define a value, the type is not displayed when you are defining platform coverage and creating test environments.
  11. On the Manage Project Properties page, click Test Plan Environment Types.
  12. In the list of types, click the new type, and then click the Set type icon. The type is established as a test plan environment type. Click OK, and save and reload the page. The type is now available as an environment type in test plans and when you generate test case execution records.

What to do next

If you need to remove a test environment type, open the Test Plan Environment Types section. Hover over the type name, and from the menu that is displayed, click Remove Type. If you need to restore a removed test environment type, use the same menu that you used to remove the type, and click Set Type.