Integrating Engineering Test Management and ClearQuest
You can integrate IBM Engineering Test Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest by using the ClearQuest Bridge or ClearQuest Synchronizer, which was previously called the ClearQuest Connector.
You can use the ClearQuest Synchronizer to work in both tools and share data. Through synchronization operations, the ClearQuest Synchronizer maps ClearQuest records, such as defects, to Engineering Test Management work items. When you create or modify a ClearQuest record, the ClearQuest Synchronizer creates or modifies a corresponding work item. The creation and modification changes also flow from work items to ClearQuest records.
With the ClearQuest Bridge, you maintain your defects in ClearQuest and use Engineering Test Management to view the defects. You can use both the ClearQuest Bridge and the ClearQuest Synchronizer to associate ClearQuest records with local work items. However, the ClearQuest Bridge does not require the creation and maintenance of synchronization rules or the duplication of data in multiple repositories.