Reservation is an element in the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management data dictionary that you can use for mapping test artifacts.
UI Element | UI Field | REST API Resource | REST API Property Path | XDC Resource | XDC Data Mapping Table | XDC Column Name | Data Warehouse Schema | Data Warehouse Table | Data Warehouse Column | FM Model Path | FM Model Query Subject | FM Model Query Item | Description | Sample Input | Sample Output |
Reservation | N/A | reservation | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | RESERVATION | N/A | N/A | Reservation | N/A | Unless otherwise specified in this dictionary, "Reservation" UI elements are expressed by the REST API Resource URL as "reservation"; are stored in the data warehouse "RESERVATION" table; and can be added to report definitions using the "Reservation" Query Subject and related Items. | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reserve From | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:reserveFrom | Reservation | RQMReservation | reserveFrom | ODS | RESERVATION | RESERVE_FROM | Operational Data Store/Reservation Area/ | Reservation | Reserve From | The date and time that the reservation begins in UTC format | N/A | N/A |
Reservation Version Updates |
Request Name | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:request/@vega:id | N/A | RQMReservation | request_id | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The uuid of the lab request of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reserved By | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:reservedBy | N/A | RQMReservation | reservedBy | ODS | RESERVATION | RESERVED_BY | N/A | Reservation | Reserved By | The login id of the person making the reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reserved For | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:reservedFor | N/A | RQMReservation | reservedFor | ODS | RESERVATION | RESERVED_FOR | N/A | Reservation | Reserved For | The login id of the person for whom the lab resource is reserved | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reserved To | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:reserveTo | N/A | RQMReservation | reservedTo | ODS | RESERVATION | RESERVE_TO | N/A | Reservation | Reserve To | The date and time that the reservation ends in UTC format | N/A | N/A |
Reservation Version Updates |
Machine | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:labresource/@vega:id | N/A | RQMReservation | labresource_id | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The uuid of the lab resource of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | N/A | reservation | /id | N/A | RQMReservation | itemId | ODS | RESERVATION | EXTERNAL_KEY2 | N/A | Reservation | External Key2 | The uuid of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reservation URL | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/dc:identifier | N/A | RQMReservation | url | ODS | RESERVATION | URL | N/A | Reservation | URL | The URL of reservation | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | uuid | ODS | RESERVATION | EXTERNAL_ID | N/A | Reservation | Reference ID | Read-only integer ID of reservation as seen in the web UI | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Request | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:request/@qm:href | N/A | RQMReservation | request_uuid | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The MD5 encrypted value of URI of the lab request of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Lab Resource | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:labresource/@qm:href | N/A | RQMReservation | labresource_uuid | ODS | RESERVATION | LAB_RESOURCE_ID | N/A | Reservation | Lab Resource ID | The MD5 encrypted value of URI of the lab resource of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Is Deleted | reservation | /qm:archived | N/A | RQMReservation | isSoftDeleted | ODS | RESERVATION | ISSOFTDELETED | N/A | Reservation | Is Deleted | The reservation is archived or not | N/A | 0: not deleted, 1: deleted |
Reservation | ID | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:webId | N/A | RQMReservation | webId | ODS | RESERVATION | REFERENCE_ID | N/A | Reservation | External ID | The MD5 encrypted value of URL of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Project Area | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:projectArea/@vega:id | N/A | RQMReservation | projectId | ODS | RESERVATION | PROJECT_ID | N/A | Reservation | Project ID | The uuid of project area of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Reservation | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/dc:identifier | N/A | RQMReservation_LabRequest_Lookup | reservation_uuid | CALM | RESERVATION_LABREQUEST_LOOKUP | RESERVATION_ID | N/A | Reservation | External ID | The MD5 encrypted value of URL of reservation | N/A | N/A |
Reservation | Request | reservation | /content/qm:reservation/qm:request/@qm:href | N/A | RQMReservation_LabRequest_Lookup | request_uuid | CALM | RESERVATION_LABREQUEST_LOOKUP | LABREQUEST_ID | N/A | Reservation Related Lab Requests | External ID | The MD5 encrypted value of URI of the lab request of reservation | N/A | N/A |