Evaluate exit and entry criteria


  1. As the development effort progresses, the test lead determines if the test entry criteria are being met.
    1. The test lead refreshes the view with the most recent values by clicking the Evaluate Quality Objectives icon (Evaluate quality objectives). This causes Engineering Test Management to gather the actual data associated with the objective and measure it against the expected value.
    2. The test lead compares these values with the expected values, sets the Status, and comments on each quality objective.
      Entry Criteria
    3. The test lead meets with other team members to determine whether the entrance criteria have been met.

      The test lead may decide to stick with the original entry criteria estimates or to make adjustments.

  2. As the testing effort moves forward, the test lead determines whether the exit criteria are being met, following a similar process to that of the entry criteria.
  3. At the end of the testing effort, the team evaluates whether the overall quality objectives have been met.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to complete the following tasks:
  • Edit project-level quality objectives
  • Add quality objectives to a test plan
  • Determine and evaluate test entry and exit criteria