Adding new test cases to test plans

As an alternative to creating independent test cases, you can create new test cases in the context of an existing test plan. A test plan describes the scope of the overall test effort and provides a record of the test planning process. Test plans also allow you to manage other test artifacts, such as test cases and requirements.


  1. Open an existing test plan or create a test plan.
  2. From the test plan table of contents, click Test Cases.
  3. Click the Add New Test Case icon (Add new test case) to open the New Test Case window.
  4. Type a name for the new test case.
  5. Type a description of the test case.
  6. Select a test case template.
  7. Type a number for the estimate of the time required to complete the test case and select a time interval for the estimate.
    For example, if you type 1.5 in the Estimate field and select days for the interval, the estimate is represented as 1 day 4 hours.
  8. Assign a numerical value for the relative weight of the test case.

    How you assign the weight value can be determined using different criteria, such as importance to test effort or the relative complexity of the test case. For example, a test case that is assigned a weight of 100, could be twice as important or complex as a test case that has an assigned weight of 50. The weight should not be used as a measurement of time. If you are intending to measure the time that is assumed to be required for the test case, then use the Estimate field. When a test case is executed, the weight (points) is calculated based on the success of the steps included in the test script. The points for a result can be adjusted to more accurately record the true outcome. Weight is used later on in one of the status bars that show execution progress in the test plan.

  9. Select an owner and a priority for the new test case.
  10. Select a Category, Function, Iteration, and Theme.

    You can use these attributes to organize your test cases into various groupings that can later be sorted. Your team is free to define these attributes any way that makes sense.

  11. Click OK.


The new test case is created and added to the test plan.

What to do next

Now, you can edit the test case to modify the priority, state, and other attributes of the test case.

Before you can run the new test case, you must add a test script to the test case. Open the test case and add a script in the Test Scripts section.