Adding existing test scripts to test cases

When you add an existing test script to a test case, it is listed in the Test Scripts section of the test case.


  1. From an open test case, click the Test Scripts section, and then click the Add Test Scripts icon (Add).
  2. In the Add Test Scripts window, from the list of test scripts, select the test scripts to add, and then click OK.
    Tip: To show the details for a test script, hover over the test script ID or name.

    If you have many test scripts, you can use the filtering capabilities to narrow the list.

  3. Optional: You can select existing test scripts from a browse list in one browser instance and drag them into the Test Scripts section of a test case in another browser instance.
    Note: You can use the drag-and-drop feature for test artifacts in the same project area or configuration.
  4. Save the changes to the test case.


The test scripts are added to the Test Scripts section of the test case.
Note: You can associate multiple test scripts with a test case if each test script tests the same functionality. A test case defines the items to validate to ensure that the system is working correctly, and is written to apply to all environments. Typically, a test script is environment-specific. Therefore, it is more effective to divide test cases into several test cases than to associate too many test scripts with a test case.

You can edit test scripts from the test case by using the Edit Test Scripts Inline section. To use this feature, you add the section to any existing test case. If you create a new test case by using the Basic manual test case template, the new section is included automatically.