Test Suite

Test Suite is an element in the IBM Engineering Management data dictionary that you can use for mapping test artifacts.

UI Element UI Field REST API Resource REST API Property Path XDC Resource XDC Data Mapping Table XDC Column Name Data Warehouse Schema Data Warehouse Table Data Warehouse Column FM Model Path FM Model Query Subject FM Model Query Item Description Sample Input Sample Output
Test Suite N/A testsuite N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TESTSUITE N/A N/A Test Suite N/A Unless otherwise specified in this dictionary, "Test Suite" UI elements are expressed by the REST API Resource URL as "testsuite"; are stored in the data warehouse "TESTSUITE" table; and can be added to report definitions using the "Test Suite" Query Subject and related Items. N/A N/A
Test Suite N/A testsuite /id TestSuite RQMTestSuite itemId ODS TESTSUITE EXTERNAL_KEY2 Operational Data Store/Test Suite Area/ Test Suite External Key2 The uuid of test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Modified testsuite /updated N/A RQMTestSuite updated ODS TESTSUITE LAST_UPDATED N/A Test Suite Last Updated The last updated date and time of test suite in UTC format N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Owner testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/alm:owner N/A RQMTestSuite owner N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The contributor's registered id that owns the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Name testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:title N/A RQMTestSuite title ODS TESTSUITE NAME N/A Test Suite Name The name of test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

State testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/alm:state N/A RQMTestSuite testsuite_state N/A N/A N/A N/A Test Suite Test Suite State Reference ID The ID of current state of test suite N/A com.ibm.rqm.planning.common.new
Test Suite Test Suite URL testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:identifier N/A RQMTestSuite url ODS TESTSUITE URL N/A Test Suite URL The URL of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A uuid ODS TESTSUITE EXTERNAL_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Is Sequential testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:sequentialExecution N/A RQMTestSuite sequentialExecution ODS TESTSUITE ISSEQUENTIAL N/A Test Suite Is Sequential Indicate the test suite will be executed serially or not N/A N/A
Test Suite Description testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:description N/A RQMTestSuite description ODS TESTSUITE DESCRIPTION N/A Test Suite Description The description of test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Originator testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:creator N/A RQMTestSuite creator N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The contributor's registered id that created the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Weight testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:weight N/A RQMTestSuite weight ODS TESTSUITE WEIGHT N/A Test Suite Weight An integer measure of the estimated effort that it will take to execute the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite ID testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:webId N/A RQMTestSuite webId ODS TESTSUITE REFERENCE_ID N/A Test Suite Reference ID Read-only integer ID of test suite as seen in the web UI N/A N/A
Test Suite Is Deleted testsuite /qm:archived N/A RQMTestSuite isSoftDeleted ODS TESTSUITE ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted
Test Suite Project Area testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:projectArea/@vega:id N/A RQMTestSuite projectId ODS TESTSUITE PROJECT_ID N/A Test Suite Project ID The uuid of project area of the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Owner testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/alm:owner/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite owner_uuid ODS TESTSUITE OWNER_ID N/A Test Suite Owner ID The MD5 encrypted value of URI of the contributor that owns the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Originator testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:creator/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite creator_uuid ODS TESTSUITE CREATOR_ID N/A Test Suite Creator ID The MD5 encrypted value of URI of the contributor that created the test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

State testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/alm:state/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite state_uuid ODS TESTSUITE TESTSUITE_STATE_ID N/A Test Suite Test Suite State External ID The MD5 encrypted value of URI of current state of the test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Estimate testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:estimate N/A RQMTestSuite estimate ODS TESTSUITE ESTIMATE N/A Test Suite Estimate The estimate weight of the test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Priority testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:priority/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite priority_uuid ODS TESTSUITE TEST_PRIORITY_ID N/A Test Suite Test Priority External ID The MD5 encrypted value of URI of test priority of the test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Test Case url testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/qm:testcase/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuite testcase_uuid ODS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Step Owner url testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/alm:owner/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite stepOwner_uuid ODS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Creation Date testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:creationDate N/A RQMTestSuite creationDate ODS TESTSUITE CREATION_DATE N/A Test Suite Creation Date The creation date of the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Test Suite testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:identifier N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute testsuite_uuid CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_EXT TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_M_EXT TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_INT_EXT TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_TIMESTAMP_EXT TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite N/A testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:customAttributes/qm:customAttribute/qm:identifier N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute identifier CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_EXT IDENTIFIER N/A Test Suite String Extension Identifying name The identifier of small text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_M_EXT IDENTIFIER N/A Test Suite Medium String Extension Identifying name The identifier of medium text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_INT_EXT IDENTIFIER N/A Test Suite Integer Extension Identifying name The identifier of integer custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_TIMESTAMP_EXT IDENTIFIER N/A Test Suite Timestamp Extension Identifying name The identifier of date/time custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Attributes Type testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:customAttributes/qm:customAttribute/@qm:type N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute type N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The type of custom attribute of test suite, there are 4 types, SMALL_STRING, MEDIUM_STRING, INTEGER, TIMESTAMP N/A SMALL_STRING: the type of custom attribute is Text (Small). MEDIUM_STRING: the type of custom attribute is Text (Medium). INTEGER: the type of custom attribute is Integer. TIMESTAMP: the type of custom attribute is Date/Time.
Test Suite Attributes Custom Attribute Name testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:customAttributes/qm:customAttribute/qm:name N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute name CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_EXT NAME N/A Test Suite String Extension Name The name of small text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_M_EXT NAME N/A Test Suite Medium String Extension Name The name of medium text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_INT_EXT NAME N/A Test Suite Integer Extension Name The name of integer custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_TIMESTAMP_EXT NAME N/A Test Suite Timestamp Extension Name The name of date/time custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Attributes Custom Attribute Value testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:customAttributes/qm:customAttribute/qm:value N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute value CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_EXT VAR N/A Test Suite String Extension Value The value of small text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A value CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_M_EXT VAR N/A Test Suite Medium String Extension Value The value of medium text custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A value CALM TESTSUITE_INT_EXT VAR N/A Test Suite Integer Extension Value The string type value of integer custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A timeValue CALM TESTSUITE_TIMESTAMP_EXT VAR N/A Test Suite Timestamp Extension Value The timestamp type value of date/time custom attribute of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Is Deleted testsuite /qm:archived N/A RQMTestSuite_CustomAttribute isSoftDeleted CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_EXT ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite String Extension Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_STRING_M_EXT ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite Medium String Extension Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_INT_EXT ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite Integer Extension Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CALM TESTSUITE_TIMESTAMP_EXT ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite Timestamp Extension Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted

Test Suite

Version Updates

Categories name testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:category/@qm:term N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships category_term N/A N/A N/A N/A Test Suite Related Test Categories Category Term The category name of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Categories value testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:category/@qm:valueUUID N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships valueUUID ODS TESTSUITE_CATEGORY_LOOKUP TEST_CATEGORY_ID N/A Test Suite Related Test Categories External Key2 The uuid of category value of test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Categories value testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:category/@qm:value N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships category_value N/A N/A N/A N/A Test Suite Related Test Categories Category Value The category value of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Test Suite testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:identifier N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships uuid ODS TESTSUITE_CATEGORY_LOOKUP TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A uuid ODS REQUEST_TESTSUITE_LOOKUP TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Related Workitems URL testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:workitem/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships request_uuid ODS REQUEST_TESTSUITE_LOOKUP REQUEST_ID N/A Test Suite Related Requests External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the requests of test suite N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships request_url ODS REQUEST_TESTSUITE_LOOKUP REQUEST_ID N/A Test Suite Related Requests URL The URL of the requests of test suite N/A N/A

Test Suite

Version Updates

Related Workitems OSLC linking type testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:workitem/@qm:rel N/A RQMTestSuite_Relationships request_rel ODS REQUEST_TESTSUITE_LOOKUP LINK_TYPE N/A Test Suite Related Requests Link Type The RQM named linking type of request and test suite N/A trackedBy: The unified OSLC linking type is com.ibm.clm.relatedTestSuite.

Test Suite

Version Updates

State testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/alm:state/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuite state_uuid ODS TESTSUITE TESTSUITE_STATE_ID N/A Test Suite Test Suite State External ID The MD5 encrypted value of URI of current state of the test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Test Suite testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:identifier N/A RQMTestSuiteElement testsuite_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite Element Test Suite ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite Test Suite testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/dc:identifier N/A RQMTestSuiteElement testsuite_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_TESTCASE_LOOKUP TESTSUITE_ID N/A Test Suite External ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of test suite N/A N/A
Test Suite's Test Cases Test Environment testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/qm:configuration/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuiteElement configuration_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT CONFIGURATION_ID N/A Test Suite Element Configuration ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the test environment of test suite element N/A N/A
Test Suite's Test Cases Related Remote Scripts testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/qm:remotescript/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuiteElement remotescript_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT TESTSCRIPT_ID N/A Test Suite Element Test Script ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the remote test script of test suite element N/A N/A
Test Suite's Test Cases Related Test Scripts testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/qm:testscript/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuiteElement testscript_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT TESTSCRIPT_ID N/A Test Suite Element Test Script ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the manual test script of test suite element N/A N/A
Test Suite's Test Cases Related Test Cases testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/qm:testcase/@qm:href N/A RQMTestSuiteElement testcase_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT TESTCASE_ID N/A Test Suite Element Test Case ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the test case of test suite element N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A testcase_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_TESTCASE_LOOKUP TESTCASE_ID N/A Test Suite Related Test Cases Test Case ID The MD5 encrypted value of the URL of the test case of test suite element N/A N/A
Test Suite's Test Cases Execution Order testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/@qm:elementindex N/A RQMTestSuiteElement element_index ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT ELEMENT_INDEX N/A Test Suite Element Element Index The index of execution order of test suite element N/A N/A
Test Suite Is Deleted testsuite /qm:archived N/A RQMTestSuiteElement isSoftDeleted ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT ISSOFTDELETED N/A Test Suite Element Is Deleted The test suite is archived or not N/A 0: not deleted, 1: deleted

Test Suite's Test Cases

Version Updates

Owner testsuite /content/qm:testsuite/qm:suiteelements/qm:suiteelement/alm:owner/@rdf:resource N/A RQMTestSuiteElement owner_uuid ODS TESTSUITE_ELEMENT OWNER_ID N/A Test Suite Element Owner ID The MD5 encrypted value of the owner of the test case of test suite element N/A N/A