Markup for comparing configurations in the Engineering Test Management application

When you compare two versions of a test artifact in the detailed comparison editor, differences are decorated with various forms of markup.

Differences between sections and artifact content

In the sidebar, you can determine whether a section was added, removed, or changed. Artifacts that are listed in the summary and other supported content are also annotated.
Decoration Description Example
Text with a gray background A difference where content exists only in the target configuration of the Comparison editor.
Text with a gray background.
Text with a yellow background A difference where content exists only in the source configuration of the Comparison editor.
Text with a yellow background.
Underlined text with a blue background The content was changed in both configurations.
Text with a dotted underline and a blue background.
Annotations such as placeholder markers, lines, and change bars Annotations such as placeholder markers, lines, and change bars indicate that a section was moved to its location in the comparison test artifact. The annotations also show the location in the current test artifact. Annotations in rich-text sections show where differences exist between two versions of the text. For an example, see Rich-text sections in Compare and merge operations for configurations of test artifacts.

Differences in manual scripts

You can compare manual script content, including manual script steps. When differences exist between two versions of a manual script, a high-level view of the step changes is displayed. The same common colors and decorations indicate a changed step, added step, removed step, or moved step. For changed steps, the following additional decorations indicate what has changed:

Decoration Description
A Attachments
C Comments
D Description
E Expected result
R Requirement linked to a step
T Step type (execution step or report step)
V Assisted data entry, or Verification field of a test step