Allowing a team member to restore from a baseline during a merge operation

You can assign a permission to rebase a current project to the state of test artifacts in another configuration. Any differences in test artifacts contained in the current configuration will be overwritten. By default, roles are not assigned the capability to perform an accept all operation during a configuration merge.

Before you begin

To complete this task, you must have permission to modify the project area.

About this task

Permissions are assigned to individual roles in a project area, team area, or process template. You can modify the permissions for performing operations by using the Permissions tab of the project area or team area. In the web client, you cannot modify permissions in a process template.


  1. Navigate to the project area in the administrative web interface.
  2. In the project area, click Permissions. The default view is Show by Role.
  3. In the Select a role pane, select a role for which to modify permissions.
  4. In the Permissions for <role> section, in the Configuration Management group of operation, find the Restore From Baseline operation.
  5. Next to the operation, click the Grant permission icon.
  6. To save your changes, click Save.

What to do next

Now, users that have been assigned the enabled role can start a compare and merge session and then choose to restore from baseline. The restore operation overrides additional process checks and any permissions for individual test artifacts.