What's new in Engineering Test Management 7.0.3
Learn more about what’s new and changed in Engineering Test Management 7.0.3.
Redesigned Engineering Lifecycle Management product documentation
- To make it easier to find relevant product documentation, documentation for IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management suite products is now separated on IBM
documentation.The IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Suite documentation groups the documentation for the following products:
- Engineering Workflow Management documentation
- Engineering Test Management documentation
- Engineering Requirements Management DOORS documentation
- Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next documentation
- Engineering Insights documentation
- IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Suite documentation
- Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® documentation
- Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Model Manager documentation
- Engineering Publishing documentation
- Engineering Method Composer documentation
- Engineering Integration Hub documentation
Web UI
- Selecting multiple category values
- You can now select multiple values from a category with a single click. If the number of category values exceeds the number that the initial category menu can include, you can click More to open the enhanced dialog to select a category.
- Updated the UI style of the dialog box
- You can now find the updated user interface of the box to select values.
- Updated action icons in the dialogs
You can now find the updated action icons in the category dialogs. The following changes are also made on the user interface:
- The category selection tooltip now limits the size of the content, instead of limiting the number of selected entries to display.
- A warning is shown when you are close to the maximum number of filters that you can select to browse test artifacts.
- The category edit fields are updated to avoid an excess height in the update dialog.
Usability enhancements
- Component column is available
- You can now identify the component of the table entries in configuration management (CM)-enabled Engineering Test Management project areas. The component column is now available in all the relevant table views in CM-enabled Engineering Test Management project areas.
- Table columns of Trash view are configurable
- You can now configure the table columns on the Trash page. To specify the columns to display, modify the column widths, or reorder the columns in both Trash and Audit lists, click Change column display settings. You can also set display options for rows, cell text, and font size.
- Showing local configuration name
- You can now view the name of the local configuration of test artifacts in the respective test artifact editors. Rich hovers, print view, and PDF reports of test artifacts also now show the name of the local configuration of the selected test artifact in the CM-enabled Engineering Test Management project area. For the execution schedule and execution schedule result editors, the component name that contains the test artifacts is also now displayed.
- You can now see the name of the local configuration of the selected component in the UI windows.
- Ability to add columns
- You can now add component and configuration columns to the trash view table of a CM-enabled Engineering Test Management project area. For more information, see Deleting and restoring test artifacts.
- You can now add the configuration column by clicking the Add or Remove Columns or Change column display settings in a CM-enabled Engineering Test Management project area, when you browse test artifacts in the list view.
- Names of files attached to manual test scripts are displayed
You can now display the names of files that are attached to manual script steps and execution result steps. By default, this property is disabled and the attached files are displayed as numeric values. For more information, see Project properties.
- Editing the actual result of a step
You can now edit the actual result for a step whose execution is complete in a test case result, including a manual test script, and then save the manual test case result. For the updated step, Modified By is displayed with the user ID and timestamp for the last saved modification.
- Notifications for links of dropped or pasted items
- You are now notified when a copied or a dropped test artifact in Engineering Test Management
is linked to a work item in Engineering Workflow Management in a CM-enabled project area.
You are also notified when a requirement in DOORS® Next is linked to a test artifact in Engineering Test Management in a CM-enabled project area.
Simplified linking
- New keyboard shortcuts added to create OSLC artifacts
You can now use the following keyboard shortcuts to create links across Jazz® team servers.
- For Windows, use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Shift+V.
- For Mac, use Command+C and Command+Shift+V.
- Last link type added as a user preference
- When you drag and drop or copy and paste a work item from EWM or requirement from DOORS Next into an artifact editor in ETM, the Create links dialog box is shown with the list of supported link types. You can select the required link type from the Create links dialog box, and then click Create links to link the artifacts.
- Simplified linking methods for test cases and architecture elements
- You can now link test cases in Engineering Test Management with architecture elements in Rhapsody Model Manager by using the drag and drop and copy and paste methods.
- Test plans and development plan linked
- You can now link test plans in Engineering Test Management with development plans in Engineering Workflow Management by using the drag and drop method.
To drag an artifact, you can use the artifact icon in the artifact editor header. You can drag the artifact into another tab or window that uses the same browser instance and drop the artifact into the drop box shown in another artifact editor. You can select the link types and editor section, if available, from the Create links dialog box and then click Create links to create links between Engineering Test Management test plan and EWM development plan.
- Linking multiple requirements to a test case
In a test plan, for the coverage view of the Requirement collection links section, you can now select multiple requirements and add new or existing test cases. You can use Add Requirement Links to Test Cases option to link test cases to multiple requirements. Previously, this option supported only one requirement.
Importing and exporting test artifacts
- Default values of custom categories
- The ETM Excel or Word importer utility now assigns default values for categories automatically, if the default values are assigned for the artifacts in the project area properties. The utility assigns default values when you create a test artifact without providing value for a category, and that has a default value defined. This feature is supported only for the create operation.
- Support added for linking a test script step to a requirement
You can now link a test script step in Engineering Test Management to a requirement in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next by using the Engineering Test Management Word or Excel importer utility. For more information, see Linking test artifacts with existing RM requirement artifacts and Supported Attributes and Configuration Syntax.
- Using Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime
- Engineering Test Management Excel or Word importer utility now uses Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime to display configuration picker user interface for selecting the project configuration. The Webview2 runtime is available as default in Windows 11.
Running manual tests in offline mode
- Usability of Microsoft Excel enhanced
The following changes are made to enhance the usability of Microsoft Excel during offline execution by using the ETM Excel Importer Utility:
- A cell that contains a long name of a test artifact can now display the entire name by wrapping the text within the cell.
- All the test artifact names or the list of test artifacts also include owner and test environment are now displayed as links. By clicking these links, you can navigate to the test artifacts.
- The names of test artifacts that support web ID on the user interface, such as test plans or
test cases, are displayed in the
<web ID>: <title>
format. - When you import the .rqms file for multiple test case execution records, the index tab is the first tab. The index tab lists the names of test case result tabs with hyperlinks. Click the links to navigate to the test case result tabs within the generated Excel file (.xls). The index tab also includes the Overall result column, which is populated with the result. The result is set in the F5 cell of a test case result tab.
For more information, see Import for offline (only supported for the ETM Excel Importer Utility.
- Back links are introduced
- You can now go back to the Test Case Result tab and focus on the cell of the step result or section that contains the thumbnail of the image or table in the MS Excel spreadsheet generated for offline execution. Back links are now introduced in the Images and Tables tabs and they are placed near every image and table in the MS Excel spreadsheet generated for offline execution.
Export or print
- Advanced server properties
- You can now associate a test artifact with several other test artifacts. During the PDF print job of a test artifact, the associated test artifacts are also printed. For more information, see Exporting test artifacts to PDF.
- Status icon of test cases and test suites
- You can now choose to display the status icon of test cases and test suites based on the
following options:
- The highest severity of execution results for each test environment.
- The latest execution result regardless of the test environment.
For more information, see Test artifact status icons.
Find and replace
- Improved find and replace
- Find and replace text across all the test steps: You can now find and replace text across test script steps in a manual test script. In the Find and Replace window, you can control the find direction, matching criteria, and scope of finding text. You can also replace all the found occurrences in a manual test script.
- Find and replace manual test scripts: You can now find the previously used settings in the Find and replace box for a manual test script. These settings can be the strings that you entered to find or replace, matching options that you used, and placement of the box.
- Find and replace text in the manual test execution and in manual test execution result views: You can now use the find and replace feature in the manual test execution and manual test execution result views. Highlighting the matched text is also visually improved.
- Publishing test phases as root-level reference resources
- The test phases are now published and represented as separately referenced resources.You can perform the following actions:
- Create, update, and delete test phases in OSLC.
- Query in the OSLC API for test phases.
For more information, see Explore having Test Phase embedded inside each TCER RDF representation (187386).
For more information on the issues that arise because of publishing test phases as separately referenced resources, see Workaround: Test phases are no longer published as inline resources for test plan, test case execution records, test suite execution records, test case results and test suite results in the OSLC API.
- OSLC link or attribute mapping removed
- In the Engineering Test Management Project area administration page, the OSLC link or attribute mapping section is now removed.
Copy utility
- New command-line argument added
- You can now copy the formal reviews, approvals, and comments associated with the source test
artifacts. A new command-line argument
-ca, -copyApprovals
is added to the Engineering Test Management copy utility. For more information, see the ETM Copy Utility.
- Advanced property is added
- A new advanced server property, Include Archived Quality Approvals to REST and OSLC APIs, PDF, and JRS Reports, is now added in the Process Component section. The default value of this advanced property is set to false, and the archived approval groups are not included in any report or REST GET API call.
- Suspect contributor links are available
You can also include suspect contributors in LQE-based JRS reports when you report on QM test case artifacts. In an Engineering Test Management project area that is not CM-enabled, the linked requirements can now contribute to a suspect status for the test case.
LQE reports
- Blocking status is available
- You can now include blocking status in LQE-based Report Builder reports when you report on QM test case execution record artifacts. A new read-only property, rqm_qm:blockingstatus, is available in the Engineering Test Management OSLC QM API.
- Support added for LQE-based reporting
- In the LQE-based Jazz Reporting
Service reports, support is added to include the
following test plan properties:
- Quality objectives
- Entry criteria
- Exit criteria
- Application security
- Test team
Reportable Rest API
- Stream or baseline property
- The resource XML of a configuration-aware item now contains the stream or baseline property. It depends on the configuration context that is used to fetch the item by using the Engineering Test Management reportable REST API. For more information, see IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) Reportable REST API.
- New parameter added to the Engineering Test Management reportable REST API
- You can now disable email notifications when formal reviews and approvals are added, updated, or
deleted, and comments are added for a test artifact in the Engineering Test Management reportable
For more information, see ETM Reportable REST API.