Viewing diagrams in the Rhapsody Model Manager web interface

Diagrams in models can be viewed in the web interface. In order for a diagram to be visible in the web interface, the diagram view must first be updated on the server from Rhapsody . The value of the property UpdateModifiedViewsPolicy determines the trigger that should be used for automatically updating diagram views on the server. You can also elect to turn off the auto-update mechanism, and update the diagram views only when users select the relevant menu option.

Triggering of diagram view updates

The property UpdateModifiedViewsPolicy is used to specify the trigger that should be used for automatically updating diagram views on the server.

The property can take the following values:

  • Manual - diagram views are updated on the server only when you select the relevant option from the pop-up menu
  • OnDeliver - views are updated on the server each time that a change that affects a diagram is delivered
  • On Close - when the model is closed (or when a different project is set as the active project), you are asked whether you want to update the diagram views on the server. The choices in the dialog are No, Yes, or Later. If you select Later, then the next time you open the model, you will be asked if you want to update the diagram views on the server.

Manual updating of diagram views

If the value of the property UpdateModifiedViewsPolicy is set to Manual, follow these steps to update diagram views:

  1. In Rhapsody , open a model that is enabled for Rhapsody Model Manager.
  2. In the model browser, right-click the element that contains the diagrams whose views have to be updated on the server. Select the project if you want to update all of the diagram views.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select Update Views on Server > Modified Diagrams.
    Note: If a diagram contains remote artifacts, such as DOORS Next requirements or Engineering Test Management test cases, you must manually log in to the remote artifact server before you update the views for the diagrams. Otherwise, the remote artifact is shown in the diagram as a URI, without its name.
    Note: There is also an Update Views on Server > All Diagrams option. If you select this option, views are updated for all the diagrams, even those that have not been modified since the last update.

    On the Log tab of the Output window, you can see the number of diagrams views that were updated, as well as the names of the diagrams.

The diagrams can now be viewed in the Rhapsody Model Manager web interface.
Diagram in RMM web interface
Note: When viewing diagrams in Rhapsody Model Manager, you can use the Quick Navigation shortcuts, which are accessible from the title bar of graphic elements if you have enabled them in Rhapsody . If you customize the Quick Navigation shortcuts in Rhapsody , these changes will be reflected when diagrams are displayed in Rhapsody Model Manager.

Out-of-sync diagrams

Diagrams displayed in Rhapsody Model Manager are static graphic representations of diagrams at the time that the diagram views were updated within Rhapsody . As a result, there are situations where the diagram displayed in Rhapsody Model Manager is out-of-sync with the model elements that are included in the diagram. Rhapsody Model Manager compares the update time of the graphic for the diagram with the "last modified" times of both the diagram element and the elements it contains. If elements have been modified since the diagram image was last saved to the server, notification to this effect is displayed with the diagram.

The out-of-sync status is reflected in a number of ways:

  • A message to this effect is displayed over the diagram in Rhapsody Model Manager.
    Diagram out-of-sync message
  • If you click show details, a list of the out-of-sync elements is displayed.
    Display of out-of-sync elements
  • If you click the Show Out-Of-Sync Elements button Show out-of-sync elements button, the out-of-sync elements in the diagram are highlighted in red.
    Highlighting out-of-sync elements

To synchronize the displayed diagram with the elements it contains:

  1. Open Rhapsody and update the relevant diagram view on the server.
  2. Refresh the web page that displays the diagram.