Resolved issues

Review the defects that are resolved with the release of version 7.0.2 and all the maintenance items that are fixed in interim fix001 to interim fix015

APAR ID Defect ID Summary
PH47977 76839 Multiple Collection Selection and Collection Creation actions are appearing in Rhapsody® client
PH47977 76839 Multiple Collection Selection and Collection Creation actions are appearing in Rhapsody client
PH47815 76845 NPE if a GC hierarchy contains a snapshot in which one of the baselines in the snapshot is inaccessible to the logged in user
PH47815 76845 NPE if a GC hierarchy contains a snapshot in which one of the baselines in the snapshot is inaccessible to the logged in user
PH47502 76774 The RMM Server is not correctly handling the request to generate new IDs when the Rhapsody client detects conflicts in the model. That is, when Rhapsody sends a fileItemID with a value of _A__Request-ReNew-ID__A)
PH47502 76774 The RMM Server is not correctly handling the request to generate new IDs when the Rhapsody client detects conflicts in the model (that is, when Rhapsody sends a fileItemID with a value of _A__Request-ReNew-ID__A)
PH47369 76757 RMM indexing fails when trying to save a ModelElement that has a name over 250 bytes
PH47369 76757 RMM Indexing fails when trying to save a ModelElement that has a name over 250 bytes
PH47352 76752 The RMM index or reindex code must continue indexing data, even if one file failed to index
PH47352 76752 The RMM index or reindex code must continue indexing data, even if one file failed to index
PH47333 76756 RMM Indexing fails when trying to save a ModelElement that has a label over 250 bytes
PH47333 76756 RMM Indexing fails when trying to save a ModelElement that has a label over 250 bytes
PH47332 76749 It's too easy to run the destructive reindex command or rebuild tables
PH47332 76749 It's too easy to run the destructive reindex command or rebuild tables
PH47331 76726 A ClassCastException is masking the real exception when indexing exceptions are thrown
PH47331 76726 A ClassCastException is masking the real exception when indexing exceptions are thrown
PH47330 76750 When indexing or reindex RMM data, the check for conflicting IDs needs to be disabled (so that IDMappings/CCMFile/ModelElement data is re-created)
PH47330 76750 When indexing or reindex RMM data, the check for conflicting IDs needs to be disabled (so that IDMappings/CCMFile/ModelElement data is re-created)
PH47329 76751 Handle StaleDataException that might occur during the indexing or reindexing operation
PH47329 76751 Handle StaleDataException that might occur during the indexing or reindexing operation
PH47328 76753 Occasionally during RMM indexing or reindex, duplicate ModelElements are created (with the same properties, but two different itemIds) due to a multi-thread race condition
PH47328 76753 Occasionally during RMM indexing or reindex, duplicate ModelElements are created (with the same properties, but two different itemIds) due to a multi-thread race condition
PH47327 76754 RMM indexing or reindexing no longer processes the same files in the order that they were added in a stream
PH47327 76754 RMM indexing or reindexing no longer processes the same files in the order that they were added in a stream
PH47152 76723 Show all the ID-related indexing errors (across all files) instead of stopping at the first occurrence in one of the processing threads. The previous reported exceptions were random due to multi-thread processing.
PH47152 76723 Show all the ID-related indexing errors (across all files) instead of stopping at the first occurrence in one of the processing threads. The previous reported exceptions were random due to multi-thread processing.
PH47059 76748 Server code unable to resolve 2048+ ID conflicts in a single file (preventing RMM server ID generation of new elements for example) (76708)
PH47059 76748 Server code unable to resolve 2048+ ID conflicts in a single file (preventing RMM server ID generation of new elements for example) (76708)
PH47057 76679 Proposed ID mapping not created in DB after running RMM Validation
PH47057 76679 Proposed ID mapping not created in DB after running RMM Validation
PH46854 76747 ID assignment of all elements in a file fails if 1+ elements have a missing GUID
PH46854 76747 ID assignment of all elements in a file fails if 1+ elements have a missing GUID
PH45878 76584 On change set delivery, if a file would result in an 'CRRMM0111E error', the team advisor reports only the first occurrence, which is misleading
PH45878 76567 NPE is found in server logs related to indexing
PH45878 76551 An incorrect fix was used for: Defect Rhapsody delivery failing for model elements with invalid RMM Server ID and RHP-ID (75803)
PH45878 76406 Implement a mechanism to fix Mismatch Server ID error (CRRMM0111E)
PH45706 76575 RMM opens the Deliverable selection dialog instead of the ChangeRequest dialog.
PH45092 76515 [Serviceability Defect] IDMappingsService does not provide enough logging information to diagnose issues
PH45088 76514 Many orphaned IDMappings2 entries can cause a performance impact when trying to save a file, and no mechanism is in place to correct from this situation
PH42751 76295 IndexDeliveredFilesTask must ensure that it runs only once (even if Foundation were to request multiple Tasks to be run in parallel)
PH38574 75754 Unable to create links to DNG requirements from operation in RMM
PH38217 75663 RMM: Adopt the changes provided in "Enable OSLC Mappings must not perform GC opt-in on non-EWM servers (537098)"
PH37442 75721 The RMM predefined follow-up action is not being renamed during the migration if project area was created with custom process definition
PH35680 75768 Failed to save to database error observed in EWM(with AM) logs - Support large text content for propertiesPageData attribute of a model element
PH35680 75317 Failed to save to database error observed in EWM(with AM) logs.
PH33888 74828 Upgrade of CCM from 6061 interim fix13 to 7.0.1 failed due to unresolved reference to a process definition item
PH32527 75325 Unable to link requirement to an operation in Rhapsody in RMM web browser
PH32110 74363 [RMM] Change sets containing conflicting changes that are resolved with Resolve with Mine option cannot be delivered
PH31460 74369 Engineering Publishing fails to process Aggregates relationships in 7.0.1
Internal 75713 Unable to create links to DNG requirements from operation in RMM
Internal 75704 Unable to update referenced RMM server ID in Read Only unit Error observed in Rhapsody log window.
Internal 75841 Rhapsody fails when publishing an Activity Diagram view to the RMM server
Internal 75500 The RMM predefined follow-up action is not being renamed during the migration if project area was created with custom process definition
Internal 75352 Duplicate sequence diagram observed on RMM web browser explorer tree.
Internal 75348 Stereotype with new term cannot be delivered to RMM.
Internal 75341 OSLC picker does not resize properly
Internal 75337 The RMM login prompt dialog in RHP901 doesn't fir the window frame.
Internal 75140 RhapsodyCL causes error in Engineering Workflow Managementclient when the command -CMD=CLOSE.
Internal 74949 Rhapsody shows an error message encountered an improper argument and does not show requirement artifact correctly when loading a module, which includes over 100 artifacts.
Internal 74644 Remote Requirement Tables added to Favorites are (U) on the next load
Internal 74176 Unable to use getNestedElementsRecursive() and getNestedByMetaClass() while Remote Artifact packages are loaded from RMM.
Internal 73775 Cannot Create OSLC Links From RMM Web Client To DOORS® Objects if CCM Project Area Is Associated With DOORS Database Rather Than A Particular Module
Internal 73298 Adding OSLC links with DOORS Next throws HTTP 400 RuntimeException
Internal 76039 Last selected components doesn't list any components if one of the components is renamed
Internal 76036 Search For Components is displayed twice on page refresh
Internal 76032 Component still shows in Last Selected list even after it is deleted or it's visibility is set to private
Internal 75892 Cannot add components after removal of components without a refresh
Internal 75888 Explorer page - Refresh button gets aligned to next line
Internal 75880 RMM: Rhapsody files in offline mode does not behave as expected
Internal 75853 API Deletion call not working if EWM shutdown, but enabled AllowOfflineRmmSaveIfOnlyModelReductingChangesWereMade in Rhapsody with Jazz 7.0.2
Internal 75848 Content claim or unclaim for properties page data
Internal 75847 Multi GC: Cannot create OSLC link when external GC is selected. It throws an invalid global configuration warning message
Internal 75803 Rhapsody delivery is failing for model elements with invalid RMM Server ID and RHP-ID
Internal 75790 Links do not resolve in RMM. New links vanish upon creation.
Internal 75758 Regression: Reporting on Links Takes a massive amount of time - interim fix4
Internal 75735 RMM's process configuration data does not register a schema, which results in a warning in the 'Process Configuration Source' tab in the EWM Eclipse client
Internal 75642 For long name of Component the OSLC picker dialog is not able to render the page properly
Internal 75514 [RMM cluster app] While adding Elaborates link via RMM Rhapsody client, "server is not authorized" message gets displayed and it fails to create link
Internal 74130 "Navigate to Original Tool" selection for DOORS Database doesn't open the necessary DWA page
Internal 74127 DiffMerge to preserve RMM Server ID of toplevel and implicit class
Internal 74070 RMM: Server Performance test: RMM Server Performance 702RC1 is deteriorated as compared to previous release RMM 701
Internal 74063 RMM: Installation: Error message does not appear while installing AM extension on previous versions of JTS+CCM
Internal 74048 [RMM opt-out] Login to DOORS Database via Rhapsody client display Remote artifacts cannot be accessed because the associated DWA DOORS Database project is Global Configuration Aware
Internal 74047 Message strings did not refreshed in EWM Client.
Internal 74043 The translation for changed OSLCPickersMessages is not updated in build - CHT only
Internal 74030 Filter isPortConjugated doesn't work
Internal 73999 Architecture Element- File relationship doesn't work well
Internal 73992 Filter Flow port direction doesn't work
Internal 73991 Flow ports are created with a wrong type flowPort in SGC Sample
Internal 73975 Predefined types are used with Type: in Of Type property
Internal 73967 Show More doesn't work for AM artifacts in Report Builder
Internal 73948 Auto JTS setup fails to register CCM - rdf: Description must be terminated by the matching end-tag </rdf:Description>.
Internal 73946 The TRS Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment must be JavaSE-1.8 and not JavaSE-1.7
Internal 73944 JRS Reports: Last Update Date field of Report Builder doesn't show correct value (as in Last Modified)
Internal 73942 Reduce memory footprint of LQE Diagnostic collecting all current resources
Internal 73900 RMM reports do not show inherited Rhapsody tags
Internal 73812 RMM: JUnit: Test case fails
Internal 73774 Cannot switch to GC if more than one local configuration contributing to this GC
Internal 73752 RMM server must provide an additional explanation on Delivery failure
Internal 73742 RMM failed due to compilation error in RMMTrsDataSourceDiagnosticsProvider
Internal 73739 EWM CCBB should not be visible when RMM pages are active
Internal 73737 Layout issue (overlapping text) in the tooltip hover for a model element
Internal 73735 Block Definition Diagram is blank in Sample Model ADAS_5
Internal 73733 Some translation files were not update in the latest build.
Internal 73724 Some translation files were not update or missing in the latest build.
Internal 73722 RMM failed due to compilation errors.
Internal 73710 The option and title need a separate unit for the same string in pl
Internal 73708 Space to add before the colons in fr
Internal 73706 The page Designs > Welcome to Designs- font style not applied
Internal 73702 English strings Deploy found on the Design menu context.
Internal 73692 Still English strings for the messages in Deploy sample Mode dialog
Internal 73691 Still English strings under Diagnostic page
Internal 73675 Bad layout/truncated string on Create Link dialog
Internal 73663 EN strings are found in the properties page.
Internal 73662 Some message strings seem changed in the latest build.
Internal 73634 Bad layout or truncated string on Deploy dialog
Internal 73631 Link direction indicators are not displayed for all the link types in RMM web
Internal 73620 English strings displayed in TR, PL, HU, CZ
Internal 73602 RMM: The metatype of an allocation artifact is shown as allocate is preview UI
Internal 73557 Unescaped space characters in the Project Area URL lead to illegal character in query error
Internal 73553 HTML tags showing on the AM/Config Management page (Due to Dojo update).
Internal 73543 RMM: ports <ELEMENT> tag is indented 1 tab for each next port (+screenshot)
Internal 73521 Unable to create OSLC link from RMM Rhapsody client to RM and QM in GC context
Internal 73504 RMM. Web tests that are failed during change Selenium plug-in and missing export Guava package
Internal 73495 [RMM] cannot create OSLC link from DN to RMM: picker content is not loaded
Internal 73493 [RMM] Could not expand top (Component) node in Explorer
Internal 73469 Rhapsody Client - On open GC picker in 2nd time without login on 1st time login opens in background view
Internal 73462 Pipeline: Unable to link document model element to other application from CCM under GC configuration
Internal 73441 [Intermittent] Add association results in " Failed to determine link type, Unable to load URL :, Status: 200 " warning
Internal 73316 [RMM] Change the error message explaining why Sample Model cannot be deployed
Internal 72939 RMM: Tables on the web: When resizing column width, dragging mouse to the left causes the current column to expand (VIDEO ATTACHED)
Internal 72231 Add OSLC Link External Link type dialog has discrepancies in Rhapsody Client and RMM web
Internal 71873 Error received while adding Rm links from RMM web "HTTP 400: Bad Request malformed URI Caused by (RuntimeException): malformed URI"
Internal 71405 Exception on server when passing by element with wrong GC context