Planning the upgrade

Review the planning information in the installation guide before upgrading. For more information, see Planning the installation.

As you plan and complete your upgrade, use the Required information worksheet you completed during installation as a reference.

Important: Do not install more than one instance of Engineering Publishing on the same computer. If you do install more than one instance of PUB on the same computer, the RPE_HOME environment variable might be affected which could result in the following issues:
  • Document-style report generations from IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® might fail because the DXL files and the .inc files might not match.
  • Microsoft Word macros might not run because the runmacro.vbs script and the macro files might require different arguments than the ones being issued.
  • HTML output might not be created because driver code might not be able to find the correct JavaScript files.

After you have completed all of the required planning tasks, you can begin the pre-upgrade tasks. Refer to the Pre-upgrade tasks for details.