Count and Percent UI types

IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights provides separate UI types such as Count UI type and Percent UI type for all the node definitions.

About this task

Following are the advantages of Count UI type and Percent UI type:
  • You can modify the node definition that contains different properties such as width, height, fill color, stroke, and radius. You can use these properties to change the appearance of the node.
  • You can apply the conditional formatting for fill and stroke properties to change the appearance of the nodes when the represented artifacts meet the defined conditions.

Accessing Count UI type

About this task

Learn how to access Count UI type and see the count of the artifacts based on the defined conditions.


  1. Open the view in edit mode.
  2. Right-click the container, and then click Edit node.
    Separate tab for Count UI type is shown.
  3. On the Count UI type tab, edit the required parameter value.
  4. Apply the conditional formatting.
    You can add conditional formatting for fill and stroke parameters.
    1. Click the pencil icon that is next to the required UI parameter.
    2. In the Parameter: fill window, click Add.
      The Conditions window opens.
    3. Select the required operator from the list and specify the value.
    4. Select the required fill color, and then click Ok close the Conditions window.

      You can also use the Edit value option that is available next to the Color field to use custom colors.

      You can define multiple conditions by using step c and d.
    5. Click Ok to close the Parameter: fill window.
  5. Click Ok to close the Nodes dialog box.
  6. Right-click the container, and then click Show count.
    The container shows the count of the artifact based on the defined conditions, and the node that is filled with the specified color.

Accessing Percent UI type

About this task

Learn how to access Percent UI type and see the percentage of the artifacts based on the defined conditions.


  1. Open the view in edit mode.
  2. Right-click the container, and then click Edit node.
    Separate tab for Percent UI type is shown.
  3. On the Percent UI type tab, edit the required parameter value.
  4. Apply the conditional formatting.
    You can add conditional formatting for fill and stroke parameters.
    1. Click the pencil icon that is next to the required UI parameter.
    2. In the Parameter: fill window, click Add.
      The Conditions window opens.
    3. Select the required operator from the list and specify the value.
    4. Select the required fill color, and then click Ok close the Conditions window.

      You can also use the Edit value option that is available next to the Color field to use custom colors.

      You can define multiple conditions by using step c and d.
    5. Click Ok to close the Parameter: fill window.
  5. Click Ok to close the Nodes dialog box.
  6. Right-click the container, and then click Show percent.
    The container shows the percentage of the artifact based on the defined conditions, and the node that is filled with the specified color.

    For more information about calculating percentage of artifacts, see Showing percentage of artifacts.