Creating a UI type based on existing UI type

About this task

You can use the existing UI type to create a new UI type. The existing UI type works as a base for the new UI type in which you can modify UI type definition. You can change the parameter values, add new parameters, or delete the existing parameters.


  1. Right-click the artifact in the view, and click Edit node. The Nodes dialog box opens.
  2. On the UI type tab, click the pencil icon that is next to the UI type list. The UI types dialog box opens.
  3. From the UI types list, select the existing UI type to create a new UI type.
  4. Click the Duplicate icon to create a copy of the selected UI type.
  5. In the Add new UI type window, enter the ID for the new UI type, and click Ok.
    The new UI type is added in the list and the definition of existing UI type is copied to the new UI type.
  6. Change the UI type definition and the parameter values as required, and click Ok.
    Note: For UI types that are marked with (System), you cannot modify the parameter values.