Showing current links information

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights provides details of the current links of a container.

About this task

You can see the list of current links and their count for the selected container that helps you in verifying that every possible link is considered in dependency analysis. As a result, you can fill gaps in the views, if any.


  1. Open the view in edit mode.
  2. Right-click the container, and then click Show current links information.
    show links info
    The links details are displayed in the Current links information section of the Properties pane.
    links info properties pane

    The Current links information section provides the drop-down list of containers that are loaded onto the view canvas. When you have multiple containers loaded onto the view canvas, you can use the Container drop-down list to select the required container from the list. Thus, you can see the links details in the Current links information section itself without navigating to the view canvas.

    advanced drop down list

    The container drop-down list displays the container name with the container Id. You can distinguish between two containers of same artifact type by using the container Id.

    same containers id


You can see details of current links and their count for the selected container.


Current links details and their count for QM Test Case node container:
QM Test Case links

What to do next

Selecting action by using links information