Resolved issues in Engineering Insights 7.1
Engineering Insights 7.1 includes fixes to resolve known product issues and to address defects.
ID | Description |
DT257635 | Not able to get Requirements Traceability - Satisfaction Relationship view to work. |
DT378754 | Engineering Insights fails to log timeout errors in RELM logs. |
Internal | Impact analysis displays tag in artifact name. |
Internal | Build a Traceability Architecture Element to Rhapsody tag. Rhapsody tag count is wrong. |
Internal | The correct percentage is not retained when you select Show % to Show artifact and then change to Show %. |
Internal | On the Queries page, the search field displays a tag in a string after the text box |
Internal | The action icon does not load when the custom context root is used in Engineering Insights. |
Internal | The Deploy Sample View option is needed for users who do not have a license. |
Internal | An internal server error occurs after certain idle time and when a user logs out from Engineering Insights and then a different user logs in. |
Internal | Change artifact type on requirement artifact types does not have the correct option. |
Internal | Link direction is not adjusted as Auto. |