Resolved issues in Engineering Insights 7.1

Engineering Insights 7.1 includes fixes to resolve known product issues and to address defects.

ID Description
DT257635 Not able to get Requirements Traceability - Satisfaction Relationship view to work.
DT378754 Engineering Insights fails to log timeout errors in RELM logs.
Internal Impact analysis displays tag in artifact name.
Internal Build a Traceability Architecture Element to Rhapsody tag. Rhapsody tag count is wrong.
Internal The correct percentage is not retained when you select Show % to Show artifact and then change to Show %.
Internal On the Queries page, the search field displays a tag in a string after the text box
Internal The action icon does not load when the custom context root is used in Engineering Insights.
Internal The Deploy Sample View option is needed for users who do not have a license.
Internal An internal server error occurs after certain idle time and when a user logs out from Engineering Insights and then a different user logs in.
Internal Change artifact type on requirement artifact types does not have the correct option.
Internal Link direction is not adjusted as Auto.