Engineering Insights log file locations and tracing

If you encounter errors or exceptions, you can use the log files and application logs to research the issues and find resolutions. The log file of IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights is relm.log. If the context root of Engineering Insights is changed while installing with IBM Installation manager, the name of the log file also changes. For example, if the context root changes to myrelm, then the name of the log file also changes to myrelm.log.

If you use the default application server, the location of the log file is Install_Dir/server/logs.

If you use IBM WebSphere Application Server, the location of xx.log file is WAS_Install_Dir/server/profiles/<profile_name>/logs.

The location of the log files is determined by the property name dir in the log4j2.xml file in the JAZZ_HOME/xx directory. The default setting for the xx.log file is <Property name="dir">logs</Property>.

Logging and tracing are configured in a configuration file: Install_Dir/server/conf/relm/log4j2.xml. This file loads at the start of server, and reloads automatically after the changes are detected in the file. The log4j2.xml file is checked for changes after every 10 seconds.

By modifying log4j2.xml file, you can set:
  • Log level: off, unrecoverable, error, warning, informational, debug, trace, all. The default is WARN.
  • Log size and rotation policy.
  • Components that are logged.

Managing the size of the log file

The size of the log file is set to 10 MB and the number of backup files are set to 5 in the log4j2.xml file. This file is located in the Install_dir/server/conf/relm directory. You can change the rollover property of the log4j2.xml file as needed.

To do a size-based rollover, update the numeric value of the following lines:
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10MB"/>
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5" />

These lines limit the log file size to 10 MB and the number of backup files to 5.

Adding trace output to the application log

The following example shows how to configure the highest verbose output to the relm.log file. The log file helps you discover the details of a problem for a specific operation.

  1. In the log4j2.xml file, configure the logger to log the most granular level, which is TRACE, and all messages that are located near it.
    Find the following element:
     <Root level="WARN">
            <!-- <AppenderRef ref="stdout" /> -->
            <AppenderRef ref="fileLogger"/>
    Update to the following element:
    <Root level="TRACE">
            <!-- <AppenderRef ref="stdout" /> -->
            <AppenderRef ref="fileLogger"/>
  2. Increase the maximum size of the appender file to accommodate the additional output.
    Find the following element:
    <RollingFile name="fileLogger" fileName="${dir}/${app}.log" filePattern="${dir}/${app}-%i.log">
                 <pattern>%d{ISO8601_OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HHMM} [%30t] [%x] %5p %c  %X{Tid} - %m%n</pattern>
               <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10MB"/>
            <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5" />
    Update to the following element:
    <RollingFile name="fileLogger" fileName="${dir}/${app}.log" filePattern="${dir}/${app}-%i.log">
                 <pattern>%d{ISO8601_OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HHMM} [%30t] [%x] %5p %c  %X{Tid} - %m%n</pattern>
               <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100MB"/>
            <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5" />