Engineering Insights ready-to-use views

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights comes with a set of predefined views. Use them as is, with sample data, or with indexed artifacts from across your lifecycle management applications. You can also modify the predefined views to show artifact relationships that are relevant for your project.

Click Views > Shared views, and then open the folder that contains the predefined views that you want to use.

  • If you do not see views folders on the Shared views tab, contact your administrator. Your administrator might need to deploy content packages. If you are the administrator, see Managing project content.
  • Some predefined views display sample data from the Money that Matters lifecycle project sample. If the predefined views do not display sample data, contact your administrator. The administrator must install the Money that Matters sample. If you are the administrator, read about Installing the Money that Matters sample.

    The Money that Matters sample does not include sample configuration data. Therefore, configuration management predefined views are not populated with sample configuration data. If you use local or global configurations, the configuration management predefined views help you visualize the configuration data in your environment.

Table 1. Predefined Engineering Insights views
Name Description
Artifact statistics Review statistics for various artifact types that contain metadata that is stored in the index. See the number of artifacts grouped by subtype, and the number of links among artifacts. Use this view to see the volume of artifacts and the relationships that are stored in your lifecycle management applications.
Asset explorer Explore assets and examine related artifacts. In the list, select an asset, and view related assets and artifacts. You can filter the artifacts by type.
Asset hierarchy and relationships Explore asset hierarchy and relationships. You can filter the assets by type, community, and category.
Change request activities by type and status See change requests by type and status. To narrow down the scope of the view, click Set condition value for the view, and edit the conditions. You can show links to child artifacts, and to blocked artifacts. You can use this view to monitor the project status.
Change request activities in time intervals See what change requests were modified in specific time intervals. The view includes indexed data from all lifecycle management applications. To show artifacts for a specific discipline (RM, CCM, QM), or to narrow down the scope of the view, click Set condition value for the view, and edit the conditions. You can show links to child artifacts, and to blocked artifacts.
Change request explorer - work item hierarchy Explore change requests, and analyze the relationships among artifacts. In the list, select an item to analyze. The view shows the hierarchy of all associated work items. You can show links to blocked artifacts. You can filter the view by change request type, status, and owner.
Change request explorer - all related artifacts Explore change requests, and find details, and artifacts, that are associated with a specific change request. In the list, select an item to analyze, and see the artifact details, and the related artifacts from all lifecycle management applications. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a requirement, right-click the item, and select Open Requirement explorer.
Change requests multilevel view. View change requests and multiple levels of related work items. Use the view to explore and analyze work item relationships and dependencies. Click conditions to customize the view.
Component explorer - all related artifacts If you use configurations, explore the components in your projects, and view the component configuration hierarchy, and related components. In the list, select a component to analyze.
Component explorer - component hierarchy If you use configurations, explore the components in your projects, and view the sub components hierarchy, which derives from the configuration contribution relationship. If a configuration of component A has a contributor, which is also a configuration of component B, component A is the parent of B, in a hierarchical structure. In the list, select a component to analyze, and see the descendant parts. Use this view to analyze the conceptual structure of a selected component.
Component explorer - configuration contribution hierarchy If you use configurations, explore the components in your projects, and view the configuration contribution hierarchy. In the list, select a component to analyze, and see the associated tree structures. At the root of each structure is a configuration of the selected component. The layers of contributing configurations are represented as ramifications. Use this view to analyze all the configurations of a selected component together with all the descendant configurations.
Component explorer - configuration reuse hierarchy If you use configurations, explore the components in your projects, and view the configuration reuse hierarchy. In the list, select a component to analyze, and see the associated tree structures. At the root of each structure is a configuration of the selected component. The layers of configuration reuse are represented as ramifications. Use this view to analyze all the configurations of a selected component and see where these configurations are reused.
Component structure Explore the component levels in a hierarchical view. You can filter the components list by various view conditions. If you have a deep component hierarchy, this view helps you explore components across five depth levels.
Configuration baseline history - horizontal layout Explore the history of baselines on streams. In the list, select a configuration, and view the history in two directions:
  • The linear backward history, starting from the selected baseline or stream and tracing backward on the timeline
  • The tree-form forward history, starting from the selected baseline and growing forward on the timeline with a series of baselines and possibly stream branches
Configuration baseline history - vertical layout Explore the history of baselines on streams. In the list, select a configuration, and view the history in two directions:
  • The linear backward history, starting from the selected baseline or stream and tracing backward on the timeline
  • The tree-form forward history, starting from the selected baseline and growing forward on the timeline with a series of baselines and possibly stream branches
Configuration comparison Select two configurations. Click a configuration to select the base configuration. To select the target, right-click a configuration and click Select target configuration. The view shows the differences between the base and target configuration.Shared, branched, added, and deleted elements are highlighted in different colors.
Configuration explorer Explore the components in your projects, and see the associated configurations. Select a specific configuration to analyze, and view configuration details: streams and baseline history and relationships.
Configurations in multiple dimensions View configurations with links to the components that the configurations contribute to, and links to the subject tags that are attached to the configurations. The view helps you locate configurations in a multi-dimensional space that consists of component types and other dimensions that are represented by the subject tags.
Model coverage for requirements View SysML requirements and their relationships to model elements that satisfy the requirements.
Model diagram explorer Explore model diagrams, and analyze specific diagram elements. Select a diagram element to view the creator, and the associated model elements.
Model element allocation View the allocation relationship between model elements. Explore the source and target of allocation relationships. Various conditions are available for this view.
Model element dependency View the dependency relationship between model elements. Explore the source and target of dependency relationships. Various conditions are available for this view.
Model element explorer Explore model elements, and see the related artifacts from across all lifecycle management applications. From the list, select a model element to analyze. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related change request, right-click the artifact, and select Open Change Request explorer.
Modeling project explorer Explore modeling projects. From the list, select a modeling project to analyze. The view shows the creator, related diagrams, and high-level model elements.
Modeling projects and levels of packages View modeling projects and multiple levels of packages that are associated with a selected modeling project. Use the view to explore, and to analyze relationships and dependencies among modeling packages.
Project area explorer Explore project areas, and see the team area, timeline, and iterations associated with a specific project area. In the list, select the project area to analyze.
Requirement collection explorer Explore requirement collections, and analyze the Requirements Management (RM), and Quality Management (QM) artifacts that are associated with a specific requirement collection. From the list, select the requirement collection to focus on. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a specific requirement, right-click the requirement, and select Open Requirement explorer.
Requirement collection implementation coverage View requirement collections, associated requirements, and implementation activities. Use conditions to customize the view.
Requirement collection implementation test coverage View requirement collections, associated requirements, and implementation test artifacts. Use conditions to customize the view.
Requirement collection test coverage View requirement collections, related requirements, test cases, and test results. To analyze a specific test case, right-click the artifact, and select Open Test Case explorer. To analyze a specific test result, right-click the artifact, and select Open Test Result explorer. Use conditions to customize the view.
Requirement collection test plan coverage View requirement collections, related test plans, and test results. To analyze a specific test plan, right-click the artifact, and select Open Test Plan explorer. To analyze a specific test result, right-click the artifact, and select Open Test Result explorer. Use conditions to customize the view.
Requirement explorer Explore requirement details, and related artifacts from all lifecycle management applications. In the list, select a requirement to analyze. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related requirement collection, right-click the artifact, and select Open Requirement Collection explorer. Use type conditions to customize the view.
Requirement implementation coverage View requirements, and associated implementation activities. See which requirements do not have implementation activities. You can also see versioned artifacts that are linked to the implementation work through change sets.
Requirement implementation test coverage View requirements, associated implementation activities, implementation test cases, and test results. See which requirements do not have implementation activities. The view shows links to test cases that validate the implementation. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Requirement test coverage View requirements, associated test cases, and test results. Use this view to assess the test coverage for requirements, or to determine the testing status. The view shows links to test cases that validate requirements. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Requirements traceability - Links to relationship See multiple levels of linked requirements. Explore the associations among requirements. To see the details of a specific requirement, right-click the artifact, and select Open Requirement explorer. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Requirements traceability - Links to relationship that is starting from collection. View requirement collections and multiple levels of related requirements. Explore the associations among requirements. To see the details of a specific requirement, right-click the artifact, and select Open Requirement explorer. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Requirements traceability - Satisfied by relationship View multiple levels of requirements. See what requirements are satisfied by other requirements. The view shows links between related requirements to help you explore the associations among requirements. To explore the details of a specific requirement, right-click the requirement, and select Open Requirement explorer. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Requirements traceability - Satisfied by relationship that is starting from collection. View requirement collections and multiple levels of related requirements. See what requirements are satisfied by other requirements. The view shows links between related requirements to help you explore the associations among requirements. To explore the details of a specific requirement, right-click the requirement, and select Open Requirement explorer. Use requirement type conditions to customize the view.
Test case explorer Explore test case details, and see related artifacts from all lifecycle management applications. In the list, select a test case to analyze, and view the related artifacts. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related requirement, right-click the artifact, and select Open Requirement Collection explorer.
Test execution record explorer Explore test execution records, and see related artifacts from all lifecycle management tools. In the list, select a test execution record to analyze, and view the related artifacts. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related change request, right-click the artifact, and select Open Change Request explorer.
Test plan explorer Explore test plan details, and see related requirement collections, test cases, test execution records, and test results. In the list, select a test plan to analyze, and view the related artifacts. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related requirement collection, right-click the artifact, and select Open Requirement explorer.
Test result explorer Explore test result details, and see related testing artifacts, and change requests. In the list, select a test result to analyze, and view the related artifacts. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related change request, right-click the artifact, and select Open Change Request explorer.
Test script explorer Explore test scripts, and related artifacts from all lifecycle management tools. In the list, select a test script to analyze, and view the related artifacts. You can use this view as a starting point for further analysis. For example, to explore the details of a related change request, right-click the artifact, and select Open Change Request explorer.
Table 2. Sample views for new users
Name Description
Node style samples Learn how to configure specific node styles.
Simple sample See tasks.
Task hierarchy See tasks in a hierarchical structure.
Traceability from task to test case. See tasks and related test cases.
V Process (Software) See a visual representation of the systems development lifecycle, and artifacts that are mapped on the V-model.
Table 3. Views for custom artifact element designers that are available in Engineering Insights
Name Description
All RDF types by name and frequency The view shows all RDF types that are sorted by name, and by number of instances.
RDF predicates The view shows subject, predicate, and object RDF types that exist in the index. To filter by only OSLC types, or only Jazz® types, click Set condition value for the view.
RDF schema class hierarchy The view shows the RDF schema class hierarchy.
RDF type explorer The view shows details about a specific RDF type to help you understand the data structure. In the list, select an RDF type to analyze. The view shows related properties, property value samples, and property value RDF type.
RDF types with instances The view shows RDF types and related examples to help you learn about the RDF types.
Resource explorer The view shows all the RDF triples for a selected resource. The view helps you understand the data structure in the index.

For more information, see the Getting started with Engineering Insights queries video.

After you open the view, you can act on the artifacts on the view. Right-click an artifact to show the following context menu:

The following actions are available regardless of the type of artifact you select:
  • Open artifact: Opens the artifact in the configuration selected in the Configuration context field. If no configuration is selected, the current configuration is used.
  • Open artifact in other configuration: Opens artifact in the configuration context that you selected in the Select configuration context dialog box.
  • Show query result: Runs the query for the focus artifact, and displays the results in the Query Result window. You can view the query result without moving away from your current view context.
  • Show properties: Displays the properties of the focus artifact. You can view the artifact properties without moving away from your view context.
  • Start analysis: Loads the default impact analysis profile. Click Run to start the analysis.
  • Open view: Shows you other views that are available for the focus artifact. Select a view in the list and click Ok to run it.
  • Select: Helps you find and select related artifacts. Select your focus artifact, right-click Select, choose the link relationship that you want to explore, and pick an artifact from the list. The view adjusts to show the selected artifact in the appropriate view container. The checkbox in the node is selected.
The following actions are available in the sample views for new users, depending on the type of artifact you select:
  • Open resource with children opens the focus artifact in the Task hierarchy view, which is a hierarchical layout.
  • Open traceability view opens the focus artifact in the Traceability from Task to Requirement view, which maps the selected artifact to its child tasks and requirements.
The following actions are available if administrators right-click a custom artifact container in the editor:
  • Edit node opens the Nodes editor so that you can modify the node definition.
  • Edit conditions opens the Set conditions dialog box. Setting conditions isn’t required, but can be useful because conditions allow view users to refine the content of the container by entering values. Based on the selected values, the container shows a specific set of artifacts.
  • Show count displays the number of artifacts in a container. To see the artifacts again, click Show artifacts.
  • Show percent displays the percentage of artifacts in a container based on the defined conditions. To restore the artifacts, click Show artifacts.
  • Show current links information displays the list of current links and their count for the selected container. It helps you to verify whether every possible link is considered in dependency analysis. You can fill gaps in the views, if any.
  • Show links to opens the wizard. You can use the wizard to select the artifact and relationship types to link the related artifact containers.

To learn how to focus on specific artifacts, and how to explore related artifacts in a complex view, read about Using views.

Note: When you run dependency analysis on a predefined view, the analysis traverses only the links that are showing in the view. In several predefined views, you can click the Show links condition to draw the links among the artifacts in the view.