Lesson 1: Create an impact analysis diagram

In this lesson, you search for an artifact, and then run Impact Analysis from one of the items in the search results to explore related lifecycle artifacts.


  1. Log on to IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights.
    In a web browser type http://server:port/relm/web.
  2. On the My Projects tab, click and open the required project.
  3. Search for the artifact to focus on.
    1. Click in the Search artifacts box, type devices, and click Enter.
      Search Artifacts box
    2. Find a specific artifact and run impact analysis on your focus artifact.
      In the list of search results, move your mouse over the Support dividend processing via mobile devices story. When you see icons in the right side of the screen, click Start analysis Start Analysis.
      Start Analysis icon in the search results window.
      In the Impact analysis dialog box, the artifact that you selected is shown in the Focus artifact field. The Default profile creates a diagram that shows artifacts that are related to the focus artifact, exploring one level downstream.
      Start Analysis for the focus artifact.
    3. To select the project scope, click the pencil icon Pencil icon that is next to the Project scope field. In the Select project area dialog, select the project areas that you want to include for the impact analysis, and then click Ok.
      Creating an impact analysis diagram

      You can also select the project scope on the Focus and Profile tab.

      Focus and profile

    4. Click Start analysis to run impact analysis on your focus artifact.
    5. Click and drag the diagram with the mouse to explore the artifacts it contains.
      Impact analysis diagram that is created with the default profile.
    6. Enter a name for your diagram and save it.


You created an impact analysis diagram that shows the artifacts that are associated with the Support dividend processing via mobile devices story within two levels downstream.