What's new in Jazz Reporting Service 7.1

Learn more about what's new and changed in Jazz Reporting Service 7.1.

Report Builder

View data source schema details with the Type explorer

You can view data source schema details for all data sources and use it to develop reports in Report Builder. From the Help menu in Report Builder, click Type explorer to view data source schema details. Filter the details based on data source, data type, categories, and artifacts.

You can use this information to understand the structure and dependencies of the data source schema. By using the detailed insights about the data source schema, you can create custom SQL queries and develop reports in Report Builder.

Image displaying the data source schema detail:

image description

Option to remove SPARQL from Report Builder UI

You can hide the SPARQL options for LQE data sources in Report Builder. For the LQE data sources, select the SPARQL is disabled checkbox to hide SPARQL options from Report Builder. If TRS processing in LQE Triple Store (TDB) is disabled, and you connect to a data source, then the SPARQL is disabled checkbox is automatically selected.

Option to enable or disable the custom BIRT report rendering

Custom BIRT reports can sometimes slowdown the server. You can now use Allow rendering custom reports server property to enable or disable the custom BIRT reports.

The default value of the Allow rendering custom reports server property is True. To disable the rendering of the custom BIRT reports, set the property to False.

Set the maximum size and age of query history by using new Report Builder server properties
You can now use the following server properties in Report Builder to set the expiry of query history and report caching:
Maximum size of query history
The maximum size of query history must be a value between 1000 and 1000000. If maximum age of query history value is nonzero, then the query history maximum size value is ignored.
Maximum age of query history in days
The maximum age of query history must be a value between 0 and 365 days.
Note: If both the maximum size of query history and maximum age of query history in days are set, then maximum age of query history in days takes precedence.
Cache report results per user
If true, report results are cached for each individual user. The same report result is not shared by more than one user. Caching the report results per user can improve tracking of report data usage.
For more information, see Report Builder configuration properties.
Report on additional Lifecycle Query Engine historical metrics

You can now report on more dimensions to the following Lifecycle Query Engine historical metrics in Report Builder.

For Work Item Totals
  • Resolved
  • Resolution
  • Found in
  • Severity
  • Priority
  • Team Area
For Work Item Creation
  • Resolved
  • Resolution
  • Found In
For Work Item Closure
  • Resolved
  • Resolution
  • Team Area
  • Filed Against
Improved Data completeness check feature
When you perform the data completeness check for a report in Report Builder, you can now view the message about number of the data sources that are processing the change logs. If the message states that the LQE is processing the change logs, it implies that the data might be incomplete. Wait until the LQE completes the change log processing and is up to date. For more information, see Run the report with data completeness check enabled.

Image displaying the data completeness information:

image description

Wild cards for additional operators on string properties
Use Supports wildcards checkbox in Report Builder for query conditions on string properties. By default, the checkbox is set to true when the contains or does not contain operator is selected and false for all the other operators. However, you can change that based on the requirement. Previously, the Report Builder used an unquoted asterisk as a wildcard for the contains and does not contain operators. When the unquoted asterisk was specified for is, is not, starts with, or ends with, the asterisk was always treated literally.

If you select the Supports wildcards checkbox, an unquoted asterisk is taken as wildcard for all the operators. If the Supports wildcards checkbox is not selected, an unquoted asterisk is taken literally. For more information, see Querying on string properties.

Move items by dragging over the breadcrumb node

In Report Builder, you can now move items to any parent folder by using the breadcrumb. Previously, to move or copy one or more items to a parent folder, you had to select the items and then use the Move feature to move them to the intended folder.

However, with this new feature, you can simply select and drag the items over the breadcrumb node to move them to the desired parent folder. For more information, see Moving reports or folders.

Optimized the searching feature in Report Builder
The Search all folders button is updated to Search including subfolders in Report Builder. Go to the main reports page in the Report Builder, and select Search including subfolders to apply the scope of the search. With this feature, you can optimize the report search process by setting the scope of your search to include the subfolder, starting from the current folder in the Report Builder. Previously, selecting Search all folders would search all the folders in Report Builder. For more information, see Searching.

Image displaying the Search including subfolder:

image description

The upgrade log indicates whether the rs/db folder and rs/metaModelCache folders were copied or not
When you upgrade the Jazz Reporting Service in a side-by-side configuration, the rs/db folder and rs/metaModelCache folders are not copied to the destination folders if the folders exist. Now, the following messages are displayed to show whether the copy command was successful or failed:
Copied directory from $oldAppPath to $NewAppPath.
Did not copy the directory from %oldAppPath to %NewAppPath as it existed.
Failed to copy directory from %oldAppPath to %NewAppPath.

The image displaying the warning messages:

image description

Disabled naming reports with the same name at the same level
You can no longer use identical names for reports at the same hierarchical level in Report Builder. This change reduces the processing time and efficiency of reports in Report Builder. For more information, see Best practices for creating reports with Report Builder.

Lifecycle Query Engine

Recover data gaps in Lifecycle Query Engine by replacing reindexing with TRS validation for data providers
You can run TRS validation instead of reindex for DOORS® Next, Engineering Test Management, and Engineering Workflow Management data sources for recovering data gaps in Lifecycle Query Engine. To recover indexed data gaps, first run TRS validation on the data. If validation does not resolve the issue, then run reindexing.

As validation is faster than the reindexing process, it reduces the downtime of reporting and retrieves the Lifecycle Query Engine indexed data quickly. In the situations such as change log truncation, rollback detected, and rebase performed on application, run Reindex.

Automated the Lifecycle Query Engine server rename for Lifecycle Query Engine with relational store
Lifecycle Query Engine server rename for Lifecycle Query Engine rs is now automated in Report Builder. To rename the Lifecycle Query Engine server, all you need to do is generate and replace the mapping.txt file into the JTS Lifecycle Query Engine location and restart the Jazz Team Server. Previously, whenever the Lifecycle Query Engine server renaming process was triggered, you had to first unregister Lifecycle Query Engine from JTS, manually rename the server, and then register the Lifecycle Query Engine again.
Update the connection pool size via user interface property in Lifecycle Query Engine Admin
You can now update the maximum JDBC connection pool size for Lifecycle Query Engine relational store from the Lifecycle Query Engine user interface. On the Administration tab in Lifecycle Query Engine, click Advanced properties and update the connection pool value in the Connection pool size field.

Previously, to update the connection pool size, you had to update the dbconnection property file on the server file system.

Image displaying the Connection pool size field in Lifecycle Query Engine: image description

Enable LQE Relational store during Jazz Team Server setup
You can now enable the LQE relational store during the Jazz Team Server setup. The Report Builder detects whether LQE relational store is enabled in LQE. If it is enabled, then Report Builder enables the LQE relational store for reports so that the reports can be created by using LQE relational store.

Previously, to enable the LQE Relational store, you had to go to the LQE admin page and enable relational store after the Jazz Team Server setup. To enable the LQE relational store for reports, you had to go to the Data sources page in Report Builder and enable it.

Use custom attributes from child artifact types when reporting on top-level artifact types in LQE reports

When you are reporting on top-level artifact types such as Work Item or Requirement in LQE reports, you can now use custom attributes from child artifact types in the report. Hence, if same custom attribute is added to multiple top-level artifact types and you want to create a report on it, you no more need to create a separate traceability path for each type of artifact that you want to report on.

Updated Link Index Provider with the new LQE relational store backend
The LQE relational store can now be enabled for the Link Index Provider web application by using the same procedure as the one for the LQE. For more information, see Installing and enabling Lifecycle Query Engine relational store. If you decide to enable the LDX relational store separate from LQE rs, consider the following requirements:
  • The LDX relational store must be a different instance than the one for Lifecycle Query Engine.
  • The database must be created by using the data warehouse setup page of the Jazz Team Server setup wizard.
View the status of validating or indexing selected resources
You can now see the status of the insertion or deletion of the selected resources during indexing, reindexing, and validation in LQE. Previously, the progress of the insertion and deletion of the resources during indexing, reindexing, and validation was not displayed on the LQE admin user interface; it used to run in the background. Having this information on the user interface helps the user to track the progress of their process. For more information, see Monitoring indexing activity statistics.

The image displaying the status of insertion and deletion of selected resources in Report Builder:

image description

Monitor the configuration scope of queries in the LQE

You can now monitor the configuration scope of queries in the LQE . From the Health monitoring tab in LQE, click Queries to see the query statistics. On the Query Statistics > Completed Queries tab, you can see the Config scope column displaying the version resources count. The administrators can review the Global configurations (GC) count from the Config scope column. If a query has a larger config scope value, then the administrator can suggest to the user, to optimize the query and use a GC with a smaller scope. For more information see, Monitoring indexing activity statistics.

Provide additional LQE notification events
You are now notified of additional events that are related to compaction and data set suspension failures. This helps the administrators monitor the health of the LQE servers and take corrective actions.

To receive the notifications, the administrators can add recipients to the compaction and data set suspension failures by enabling the notifications from https://<server>/lqe/web/admin/notifications.

On compaction failure, an email about the failure is sent to the recipients and the compaction schedule is disabled. They need to rectify the cause of failure and enable the compaction schedule.

On data set suspension failure, an email is sent to the recipients about the failure and the cause for the same. For more information, see Setting up email notification for Lifecycle Query Engine events.

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