Adding tags, attributes, and links to a global configuration or component

Tags, custom attributes, branch values, and links provide ways for you to find, organize, and describe global configurations and components.

Before you begin

  • If you do not see the tags, custom attributes, branch values, or link types that you want to add to global configurations or components, ask your configuration lead to define them.
  • To add and remove tags or links, or to set attributes for global components or configurations, you must have the associated permission to modify that artifact type (such as Modify stream attributes, Add or remove user-defined links, and so on).
  • To add a branch value to global streams, you must have the Modify stream attributes permission or higher. For details about this permission, see Role-based permissions for Global Configuration Management.

About this task

You can add as many tags, custom attributes, and links as you need to a global configuration or component.

For detailed information about branch and custom attributes, tags, and links, see Tags, attribute values, and links.


  • Add tags to global components and configurations to find and organize them. Tags are strings without spaces or commas and are project-area specific.
    1. On the banner, click Global Configurations or Components, and select Browse item_type.
    2. Add or remove tags in the following ways.
      • Tag multiple items at a time on the Browse Configurations or Browse Components page:
        • Select the items, and from the Actions menu, choose Tags. Then, add or remove tags and click OK.
        • To add one tag to multiple items at a time, select the items from the list and drag them to a tag in the Tags section.
      • Open a component or configuration, and on the Attributes tab, click Edit. Type tag names in the Tags field.
      • You can also tag multiple global configurations in the configuration tree view. Select configurations, right-click one of them, and click Tags.
    3. Save your changes.

    After you tag items:

    • Find items by searching by name or tag in the Quick Search field near the upper right (click More Options to show the Tags field) or above the list of items on the Browse item_type page. Typing multiple tags returns only items with all those tags.
    • Browse by tag on the Browse item_type page by clicking a tag in the Tags section.
    • Show archived items and their tags by clicking Show archived item_type Shows the archive icon near the upper right of the page. Click it again to show active items.
  • Use custom attributes to set attribute values for your global configurations and components.
    1. Open a component or configuration; then, click the Attributes tab and click Edit.
    2. In the Custom Attributes section, click Add Attribute and select the attribute you want to add.
    3. Save your changes.
    Tip: To edit custom attributes for multiple global configurations at a time, select them in the configuration tree view, right-click one of them, and click Edit Attributes.

    System-defined attributes: You can change the Name and Description when you edit a component or configuration. Other system-defined attributes, such as Contributor, Created On, and Created By, are used throughout the user interface, but you can't change them.

  • Use a branch value to distinguish a global configuration variant, for example, a UK variant stream that is created from a US variant baseline.
    1. Open a configuration; then, click the Attributes tab and click Edit.
    2. From the Branch menu, select a branch value.
      Note: If you see an Unassigned value, it means that no branch values are assigned to the configuration. Ask your administrator to create the branch values.
    3. Save your changes.
    Tip: To edit branch values for multiple global configurations at a time, select them in the configuration tree view, right-click one of them, and click Edit Attributes.
  • Use links to define relationships between a global configuration or component and another resource, such as a test plan, related global configuration or component in a different project area, or an article on a website.

    For example, you select a global configuration for a new cell phone that you are working on. You add a link that is called Schematic and enter a URL to the location of the schematic.

    1. Open a component or configuration; then, click the Links tab and click Edit.
    2. Click Add Link and select the link type to add.
    3. Enter the URL.
    4. Save your changes.