Importing Report Builder reports from compressed files

Administrators can import Report Builder reports that have been provided to you in a compressed (.zip) file. For example, after you finish testing the reports in a staging environment, you can export them and then import them into a production environment.

Before you begin

  • Report Builder must be installed and registered as an application with the Jazz Team Server.
  • A default data source must be configured for Report Builder, and you must be connected to it.
  • You must have Jazz administrative privileges or be a report manager.
  • In the data source that you import into, ensure that the type system model is compatible with the reports to import. For example, if the reports to import have custom attributes, you must define them in the data source you import into.

About this task

Import them into the same data source type that they were exported from. For example:
  • If exported from a data warehouse, you must import them into a data warehouse.
  • If exported from an Lifecycle Query Engine (Lifecycle Query Engine) scoped by a configuration source, you must import them into an Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration data source.
  • If exported from Lifecycle Query Engine, the export is limited to being imported into a Report Builder instance that is connected to the same Lifecycle Query Engine data source that the reports were exported from. The reports contain information that tightly ties them to the data and the resource shapes that they were generated from.


  1. In a browser window, open the Setup page: https://server:port/rs/setup
  2. Click Optional: Import additional reports such as those provided by IBM, business partners, or others.
  3. Optional: Select Replace existing resources. Widgets on your dashboard that use reports with the same names use the new version from now on. Clear this check box if you have modified a report and you do not want to overwrite it.
  4. Select the data source to import the reports into.
    You must import the reports into the same data source type that they were exported from. For example, if the reports were exported from an LQE data source, select another LQE data source from the list. You cannot import into a different data source type.
  5. Click OK.


When you import the reports:
  • The report names, visibility (private or public), and tags are preserved.
  • The administrator who imports the reports becomes the owner. Only owners or report managers can edit the imported reports. If the reports are public, team members can duplicate them.
  • If the imported reports run on a data source that is different or has different data from where they were exported, you might have to modify the scope, conditions, and filters in the imported reports.
    Important: When you build reports on a server that has different data than where they might be run, verify that the condition settings are unlocked and required:
    By selecting this condition, team members on another server must select values that are available on the new server.

Team members can now access the reports in the following ways:

  • From the Reports page of Report Builder.
  • From their Jazz dashboards, adding widgets from the catalog. The dashboards must have a friend relationship with Report Builder, and team members must have permission to modify their dashboards.