Configuring Jazz Team Server and the applications for the Engineering Lifecycle Management to use IBM WebSphere Liberty on z/OS

This topic describes how to set up the Jazz® Team Server and the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management , applications to work with the IBM WebSphere Liberty on z/OS .

Before you begin

Before you perform this task, make sure you:
  • Used SMP/E to install HRWL703 and other necessary FMIDs based on the applications you will be configuring.
  • Customized and submitted BLZCPWLP to create the IBM WebSphere Liberty server and configuration files.
  • Customized and submitted the BLZCP* jobs for the Jazz Team Server and any Engineering Lifecycle Management applications you plan to deploy.
  • Created the Db2 databases and updated the files with your database settings.
  • Established RACF security settings. For more information about RACF security, see Security on z/OS systems and Setting up user security on a z/OS system by using RACF.
  • Verified or updated the IBM WebSphere Liberty level. Jazz Team Server requires IBM WebSphere Liberty on z/OS v19.0.0.6 or higher.

About this task

Refer to the WebSphere Liberty server for z/OS. Select the version that you are running, and search for Setting up user security on a z/OS system by using RACF.


Perform the following steps to deploy the Jazz Team Server and Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on the IBM WebSphere Liberty. Each step is detailed in its own task.

  1. Review and update server properties files.
  2. Copy server started task procedures to PROCLIB and modify them.
  3. Start the application server processes.

Review and update server properties files

About this task

The BLZCPWLP sample job creates an IBM WebSphere Liberty and creates initial configuration files based on the provided values. Follow the instructions in this section to review these files and to make additional changes, if needed to match your preferred configuration.

The server.xml configuration file can not be changed; it is a signed file provided by IBM. If you think you need changes to the signed configuration file, contact IBM Support.


  1. Locate the initial configuration files. By default, these files are created in the /u/jazz703/wlpuser/servers/clmserver directory, but the location is determined by the values you used when you ran BLZCPWLP.
  2. Review and update the following files, if necessary:
    You can use this file to control logging and tracing. The log directory should be correct. Adjust other settings as necessary.
    You can modify any of the settings in this file if they are not correct for your configuration or if you prefer to modify them. Pay specific attention to the following values:
    • -DDB2Z_JDBC should point to Db2 for z/OS JDBC drivers.
    • -Dblz.httpPort and -Dblz.httpPort should identify the desired server ports.
    • -Dblz.profilePrefix and -Dblz.Keyring should match the values you specified when you ran BLZRACFL to set up the security settings.
    Verify the JAVA_HOME and LIBPATH settings. LIBPATH should point to the Db2 for z/OS JDBC driver library directory.
    The settings in this file cannot be modified.

Copy server started task procedures to PROCLIB and modify them

About this task

You must copy the JCL to run to the WebSphere Liberty server to a system procedure library such as SYS1.PROCLIB.


  1. Copy BLZZANGL and BLZZSRV from SBLZSAMP to your started task procedure library.
  2. If you modified the names of the started tasks when completing the RACF definitions with BLZRACFL, make sure the names of these started task procedures match the RACF definitions you created.
  3. Edit and review each of the started task procedures and modify them to meet your configuration:
    • Change the INSTDIR parameter to add any path prefix you specified at installation time to the installation path.
    • Change the USERDIR parameter to point to the IBM WebSphere Liberty directory that was created when you ran BLZCPWLP. This value should be your BLZWORK directory suffixed with /wlpuser, which is /u/jazz703/wlpuser by default.
    • Change the setting to match the name of your Angel started task.

Start the server processes

About this task

To start the IBM WebSphere Liberty Angel process, which is required, enter the MVS command S BLZZANGL. Similarly, to start the IBM WebSphere Liberty process, which is required, enter the MVS command S BLZZSRV.
Note: If you modified the started task names, change these commands to use your started task names.

What to do next

After you start the server, see Running the setup by using Custom setup in the setup wizard.