System users

The IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management applications use system-defined users to perform some background tasks.

When you set up the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and the Jazz® Team Server, the following system users are created:

  • ccm_user
  • dcc_user
  • gc_user
  • jrs_user
  • jts_user
  • lqe_user
  • qm_user
  • relm_user
  • rm_user
  • rpe_user

Engineering Lifecycle Management applications sometimes need to perform background tasks, and these tasks must be associated with a user. In these circumstances, the application performs the task within the context of one of the system users.

Note: System (functional) users require a functional license that is assigned, a purchased license is not required.

Do not create any Jazz user with the same ID as these functional users. These functional user IDs are reserved for performing some background tasks only.