Importing process templates

In the web interface, you can export and import process templates to and from the local file system. This enables teams to share their process templates with other Jazz® Team Servers. Process templates define the process configuration, iteration structure, and all process attachments.

Before you begin

You must be logged in to the Application Administration page of the web client. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web). You must be a member of either the JazzProjectAdmins group or the JazzAdmins group. You can import templates only from the same version of the application. If you attempt to import templates from a different version, you receive an error message with instructions for how to migrate the template to the version of the application that you are using.
Note: Work item enumerations defined as database enumerations are not exported as part of a project template. After you create a project area by importing such a template, you need to create the database enumeration field again in the new project area.


  1. On the Application Administration page of the web client, click the Templates tab. Click Import Template.
  2. Click Browse and navigate to the .zip file that contains the process template that you want to import.
  3. Click OK.