Creating directories for Jazz Team Server and the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications
The Jazz Team Server and each of the IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management applications installed on z/OS require several directories in addition to the UNIX System Services directory created by the SMP/E installation.
Installed application | Sample member |
Engineering Workflow Management - HRCM703 | BLZCPCCM |
Global Configuration Management - HRGC703 | BLZCPGC |
Jazz Reporting Service - HRRS703 | BLZCPDCC, BLZCPRS, BLZCPLQE |
Jazz Team Server - HRJS703 | BLZCPJTS |
Link Index Provider - HRLI703 | BLZCPLDX |
Engineering Test Management - HRQM703 | BLZCPQM |
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights - HRRE703 | BLZCPRE |
IBM WebSphere® Liberty - HRWL703 | BLZCPWLP |
You can run sample JCL members based on the components that you installed and plan to configure.
Symbolic name | Use | Variable in BLZCP* jobs | Default directory |
@pathPrefix@ | The path prefix specified during the SMP/E installation. | BLZHOME | |
@confPath@ | The Jazz Team Server configuration files directory. | BLZCONF | /etc/jazz703 |
@workPath@ | The Jazz Team Server working directory. | BLZWORK | /u/jazz703 |
- @workPath@
- 6000 cylinders 3390, for running the Jazz Team Server and Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on z/OS . This figure might be larger than required if the server is not running on z/OS or if the server is not running all of the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications. Allocate a file system that allows for significant expansion as your installation grows.
- @confPath@
- 300 cylinders 3390
- The user ID that runs the WebSphere Liberty server must have read and write access to @confPath@ and @workPath@.
- The user ID that runs the Jazz Team Server repository tools are run must have read and write access to @confPath@ and @workPath@.
The recommended approach to providing access to the working directories and configuration directories is to create a RACF group and assign the IDs to that group that are needed for the functions you plan to use.
Variable Name | Use | Default value |
BLZBFAH | The installation directory of the Rational Build Agent. | /usr/lpp/jazz/7.0.3/buildagent |
BLZBFAC | The Rational Build agent configuration files directory. | /etc/jazz703/ccm |
BLZJAVA | The location of the Java directory. | /usr/lpp/java/J11.0_64 |
BLZHOST | The fully qualified host name where the server is running . | |
iconvLoc | The location of the iconv utility. | /bin/iconv |
The instructions contained in each configuration job will indicate which variables you must configure.
For each JOB, configure the sample member in hlq.SBLZSAMP using the instructions contained in the member. Use the SUBMIT command to submit the modified JCL and check the job log. Return codes of 0 indicate the configuration is correct.