Running the configuration utility
When you start the configuration utility for the first time, or when you request a new configuration, you see the configuration utility Options Menu.
About this task
- The high-level qualifier (HLQ) of the installed product data sets. On initial start of the configuration utility, the HLQ defaults to the HLQ used to start the configuration utility.
- The location of the BLZPASTK module, which might have been moved to a secure library that is already APF authorized.
- The product installation directory in the hierarchical file system. By default, the installation directory is /usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.3.
- The location of the Java code. The configuration utility uses the Java version found in your path, if one exists.
- The directory to be used for IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management configuration utility backup files. By default, the directory is /etc/ELMconf703.
- The directory to be used for Engineering Lifecycle Management configuration files. By default, the directory is /etc/jazz703.
- The directory to be used for work files, log files and temporary files. By default, the directory is /u/jazz703.
- The location of the
executable file. By default,iconv
is located in /bin/iconv.

Change any option that is not correct and press the Enter key. You cannot continue to the next configuration utility panel until you enter a valid location for the product HLQ, product location, and Java location. If a location is specified that is not valid, an error screen is displayed.

- General settings (*)
- ISPF Gateway (*)
- Rational Build Agent

Select each component you want to include in the configuration, one at a time from the Engineering Lifecycle Management configuration utility Customization panel and verify the settings in each panel. Press PF1 to open a help panel that provides more information about each setting on the individual Customization panels. After you generate a configuration work flow, you can modify the work flow by selecting and changing the configuration.