Completing the installation of Jazz Team Server and the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management , applications

After you install Jazz Team Server or any of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management , applications, you might need to do one or more tasks before your installation is ready to use.

Upgrade from a previous release

Upgrading from releases of version 5 to version 7 is a two-step process. First, upgrade your server to the latest interim fix of the version 6 release, and then upgrade to version 7.

For instructions on upgrading from version 6 or later to the current release, see the Interactive guide: Upgrading Engineering Lifecycle Management applications.

For instructions on upgrading from version 5 to version 6, see the latest version 6 documentation.

Set up a database for a production environment

In a production environment, an enterprise database is required. The default Apache Derby database is for evaluation and demonstration purposes only and supports only 10 users. If you plan to use a production environment, set up any of these supported enterprise databases:

Set up Jazz Authorization Server

If you installed the optional Jazz Authorization Server to support Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) authentication as an alternative to Kerberos SSO authentication, WebSphere® Liberty server SSO authentication, you must set up this server. Run the setup wizard and following the instructions for custom setup.

Set up Jazz Team Server, the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications, and other components

Upgrades only: If you are upgrading from a previous release, you do not need to run the setup wizard unless you have not configured the data warehouse and want to configure it now. To configure the data warehouse, run the setup wizard and skip to the data warehouse configuration step.

If you set up the default Apache Derby database and WebSphere Liberty server, set up the server by running the setup wizard and following the steps for express setup.

If you created one of the supported databases and have set up WebSphere Liberty server (Embedded or Standalone), set up the server by running the setup wizard and following the steps for custom setup.

If you want to set up the server by entering scripts on a command line instead of using the setup wizard, see Running the setup from the command line.