Reports and dashboards
Users in a variety of job roles need to create, run, and view reports. You can use each application’s reporting capability, report across tools with Report Builder, or include reports in dashboards.
The IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management includes a variety of reports, which can be viewed in the application interface. If you installed the Report Builder component of Jazz® Reporting Service (JRS), you can add the ready-to-use or custom reports to your Engineering Lifecycle Management dashboards. You can also customize some reports using BIRT authoring tools, which is not included with Engineering Lifecycle Management.
- Drill-through report: Links two reports containing related information. Allows you to access related or more detailed information in one report by selecting a value in another report.
- Drill-down report: Links down to lower level data sets.
Reports in dashboards
You can create and customize reports using JRS. The Change and Configuration Management application also provides BIRT reports that can be customized as mini reports, imported into Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and added to dashboards.