Choosing the right data source for Report Builder
When creating Report Builder reports, you can use data from the data warehouse or from Lifecycle Query Engine. The table lists the factors to consider as you figure out which data source is best for you.
Data warehouse
The Data Collection Component requests changes from the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and the changes are sent to the relational database.
Lifecycle Query Engine
The Lifecycle Query Engine requests changes from the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and Lifecycle Query Engine stores and indexes the information locally.
Use the following comparison table to decide which data source to use for running your reports. Look down the left column to identify the features you need most.
Decision points | Which data source to use? | |
Data warehouse | Lifecycle Query Engine | |
Report on versioned data in configurations and components. |
Lifecycle Query Engine for configurations and components themselves. Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration for versioned artifacts in configurations and components. |
Report on historical trends. | ||
Report on the specific elements:
You have thousands of active users. | ||
You have more than 5 million resources in the projects that you want to report on. | ||
Your server hardware has a minimum of 24 CPU and 96 GB RAM. |
See the hardware recommendations for LQE. |
You want a mature set of ready-to-use and ready-to-copy reports. | Additional LQE ready-to-copy reports are available from | |
You are interested in more flexible schema-less reports, for example, using free text search. | ||
Report only on data from the applications in the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications. | ||
Report on data from non-Engineering Lifecycle Management data providers (IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS ). | ||
Query language (for manual query editing) | SQL | SPARQL |
The data source for reporting on versioned artifacts in configurations is called LQE scoped by a configuration. If you upgrade from version 6.0.2 or earlier, the data source is called LQE using configurations.
For more information, watch the following video: