Approving access requests
After you create a provisional OAuth consumer key and request access from one Jazz application to another, use Jazz server administration to grant access by approving provisional OAuth keys on each participating server.
Before you begin
Note: When friend applications have Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) authentication enabled and are registered with the same Jazz® Authorization Server, the steps in
this topic do not apply.
You must establish cross-server communication for Jazz technology platform products before you perform this procedure.
To approve a consumer key that is requested by another server:
- Log in to the Jazz server by using an account that has Jazz Administrator privileges.
- On the Server Administration page, click the Server tab.
- Select the Consumers (Inbound) page.
New requests are listed in the Provisional Keys section.
- To identify the application that uses the consumer key, update the Consumer Name field with the name of the application that is requesting access to this application.
- Optional: If the consumer shares authorization with other trusted consumers, select the Trusted check box.
- At the Authorized field, change the Pending value to Approve.
- Click Save. The key is included in the Authorized Keys section of the page. The requesting Jazz application can now use the key to communicate with this application.