Configuring database connections
You can configure the database connection for the server in the Administrative web interface.
- Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz® Team Server
or an application registered with the server.
- For the Jazz Team Server:
- Point your web browser to
https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/jts/admin
Remember: The[fully qualified hostname]
is the host name along with the DNS domain reference of the machine on which the Jazz Team Server is installed. - On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
- Point your web browser to
- For an application registered with the server:
- Point your web browser to
https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/[application]/admin
to access the application, where [application] is ccm.
- Point your web browser to
- For the Jazz Team Server:
- In the Configuration pane, click Database Connection.
- In the DB Type field, select the type of the connection pool to use. If you select J2EE, the J2EE data source property must be set to use the J2EE database type.
- In the JDBC Vendor field, type the JDBC vendor, such as Derby, Db2® , Oracle, or SQL. For details, see your database vendor documentation.
- In the JDBC Location field, type the JDBC location as a string. Do
not change the {password} text. The password must be set in the
JDBC Password field. See the following examples for different
- Derby
- Db2
- Oracle (localhost connection strings must not include preceding
- ORACLE (non-localhost connection strings must include the preceding
- Derby
- In the JDBC Password field, type the password for JDBC connection,
for example,
. - In the J2EE Datasource field, type the J2EE data source name. If
J2EE is selected in the DB Type field, you must set the J2EE data source
property. For example,
. - In the JDBC Connection Pool Size field, type the number of JDBC connections to keep pooled.
- In the JDBC Connection Pool Wait Time field, type the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection.
- Set the Skip DB version checking field to True or False. Set this property to True to skip database version checking and use unsupported database versions.
- Click Save.