Compacting index files

You can configure a task that runs periodically on an online server to compact the JFS indices.

About this task

Creating, deleting, or updating resources update the index files. The new artifacts can cause the index to grow. You can create a task and configure its frequency to keep the indices optimal. Because this task runs when the server is online, it is a good practice to set the task to start during off hours and not while other tasks or jobs are running.


  1. Log in to the server with an administrator account.
  2. Click Server > Advanced Properties.
  3. Search for and click Edit in the title bar.
  4. For the frequency to run the task, select false for daily or true for weekly.
  5. If you selected true, enter a number between 1 (Monday) and 7 (Sunday) for the day of the week to run the task. Note that if you selected false, this field is not taken into account for daily frequency.
  6. Enter a number between 0 and 23 for the hour of the day to run the task. It is a good practice to set the task to start during off hours and not while other tasks or jobs are running.