
Use the onlineVerify command to verify the integrity of a database when the server is running.


The onlineVerify command is used to verify the contents in the database with verification levels set between numbers one and ten. Level ten is the maximum verification level. When the level is set to ten, it looks for the particular content of the component in all database tables and verifies their validity. Level one is the minimum verification level that verifies if the item can be fetched by a simple fetch call at a very high level. Each component uses these levels with different verbose checks, but usually level five should be the base to start with, if verification is needed. If some components show major problems, then you can start with a higher level to get more verbose output. For information about the verify command error messages, see the Repotools Verify command - additional guidance document in the Deployment wiki.

The verify command runs an extensive tests and takes longer to validate the integrity of the data. Whereas, the onlineVerify command runs subset of the tests that verify command runs. As the verify command runs more tests, the outage period requires is also more compared to the onlineverify command. Based on your requirement, you can choose to run either verify or onlineverify command.

Note: If there are more than 1000 change sets with uncomputed dependencies, you must run the computeChangesetDependencies command.
Important: The server must be running when you run the command.


Attribute Description Required Default The file system path to the file. No conf/application/

where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm.

logFile Path to the log file. No repotools-application_verify.log

where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm.

level The verification level. A number between 1 and 10 can be used. 1 is the minimum level and 10 is the maximum level. Level 1 uses less verification, but runs faster. Level 10 uses more verification, but runs slower. No 1


The following example is for Jazz® Team Server. To use this command for other applications, run these options from the server directory:
  • IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (Change and Configuration Management application): repotools-ccm
  • IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (Requirements Management application): repotools-rm
  • IBM Engineering Test Management (Quality Management application): repotools-qm
  • Global Configuration Management: repotools-gc
  • Data Collection Component: repotools-dcc
  • IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights: repotools-relm

For Windows
operating system Open a command prompt and enter this command:

cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-jts.bat -onlineVerify\jts\ level=5

For Unix
operating systems Open a command line and enter this command:

cd /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/
./ -onlineVerify level=5