Repository tools command to generate the server rename mappings file
Use the generateURLMappings command to generate an initial mapping file of source-target URLs to be used by server rename.
The generateURLMappings command is used to generate an initial mapping file for use with server rename. generateURLMappings must be run with the repotools-jts command, and requires that the repositoryURL parameter point to a Jazz® Team Server.
The generated mapping file can be used as a template for further editing. The mapping file lists the existing source Public URL and a default target URL for the Jazz Team Server and each IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management application (Engineering Workflow Management, Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next, and Engineering Test Management) that is registered with the Jazz Team Server. It also identifies source and target URLs for the Engineering Lifecycle Management help WAR file and any known affected external systems.
Attribute | Description | Required | Default |
toFile | Path to the generated mappings file. | Yes | N/A |
adminUserId | Admin user ID to log in to the Jazz repository.
Note: If the Jazz Team Server contains the file, the admin user ID mentioned in that file is
No | ADMIN |
adminPassword | Admin password to log in to the Jazz repository.
Note: If the Jazz Team Server contains the file, the admin password mentioned in that file is
No | ADMIN |
overwrite | Specifies whether or not to overwrite an existing mapping file that was generated previously. | No | no |
logFile | Path to the log file. | No | repotools-jts_generateURLMappings.log |
repositoryURL | The connection URL for the server. | No | https://localhost:9443/jts |
credentialsFile | The file containing the administrator user's login credentials. | No | |
certificateFile | The file containing the administrator user's login certificate. | No | None |
smartCard | The alias to login using a smart card, or ? to list available aliases. | No | None |
additionalURLFile | File containing additional URLs found in the repository that should be reviewed for additional mappings. | No | additionalurl.txt |
kerberos | Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNEGO by setting to true. Or authenticate with Windows Integrated Authentication by setting to windows. | No | None |
The additionalURLFile parameter specifies the location to place a list of URLs that could potentially need to be added to the mappings file before performing a server rename. This file lists all URLs found in the repository that are not listed in the generated URL mappings file.
An example would be a URL to a deleted friend entry. It is up to the user performing the server rename to look through this list thoroughly for any mappings that the automated process may have missed. Any mappings can then be added manually to the mappings file before performing the actual server rename.
Each row in this list has a URL and a number. The number shows how many instances of the URL were found in the repository. The list is sorted in descending order to show the most important potential URLs first in the list.
If no additional potential URLs are found, this file should simply contain the message No additional potential URLs found.
Open a command prompt and enter this command:
cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-jts.bat -generateURLMappings toFile=C:\mappings.txt additionalURLFile=C:\additionalurl.txt kerberos=true
Open a command line and enter
this command:
cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server ./ -generateURLMappings toFile=opt/mappings.txt additionalURLFile=opt/additionalurl.txt