Repository tools command to create a new user

Use the createUser command to create a new user and assign a license, or update an existing user.


The createUser command creates a new user and assigns a license. If a user with the specified user ID exists, that user will be updated with the name, email address, and license provided.
Important: The server must be running when you run the command.


Attribute Description Required Default
userId The ID of the user to be created or updated. Yes N/A
name The name of the user. The default value is the user ID. No user ID provided above
emailAddress The email address of the contributor. No unknown
jazzGroup The group that the user is the member of. Valid values are: JazzAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins, JazzUsers, JazzGuests No none
licenseId The ID of the license to be assigned to the user. The license must exist. No none
generatePassword Use this parameter to generate random passwords for newly created users, instead of using a password that matches the user ID. No N/A
repositoryURL The connection URL for the server where the users will be stored. No https://localhost:9443/application

where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm.

adminUserId Administrator user ID to login to the repository. No ADMIN
adminPassword Administrator password to login to the repository. No ADMIN
credentialsFile The file containing the administrator user's login credentials. No
certificateFile The file containing the administrator user's login certificate. No none
smartCard The alias to login using a smart card, or ? to list available aliases. No none
logFile Path to the log file. No repotools-application_createUser.log

where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm.

kerberos Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNEGO by setting to true. Or authenticate with Windows Integrated Authentication by setting to windows. No None


The following example is for Jazz® Team Server. To use this command for other applications, run these options from the server directory:
  • IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (Change and Configuration Management application): repotools-ccm
  • IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (Requirements Management application): repotools-rm
  • IBM Engineering Test Management (Quality Management application): repotools-qm
  • Global Configuration Management: repotools-gc
  • Data Collection Component: repotools-dcc
  • IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights: repotools-relm

For Windows
operating system Open a command prompt and enter this command:

cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-jts.bat -createUser userid=testID name="Test User1" kerberos=true

For Unix
operating systems Open a command line and enter this command:

cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/
./ -createUser userid=testID name="Test User1"