Repository tools command to create a new user
Use the createUser command to create a new user and assign a license, or update an existing user.
The createUser command creates a new user and assigns a license. If a user with the specified user ID exists, that user will be updated with the name, email address, and license provided.Important: The server must be running when
you run the command.
Attribute | Description | Required | Default |
userId | The ID of the user to be created or updated. | Yes | N/A |
name | The name of the user. The default value is the user ID. | No | user ID provided above |
emailAddress | The email address of the contributor. | No | unknown |
jazzGroup | The group that the user is the member of. Valid values are: JazzAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins, JazzUsers, JazzGuests | No | none |
licenseId | The ID of the license to be assigned to the user. The license must exist. | No | none |
generatePassword | Use this parameter to generate random passwords for newly created users, instead of using a password that matches the user ID. | No | N/A |
repositoryURL | The connection URL for the server where the users will be stored. | No | https://localhost:9443/application where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm. |
adminUserId | Administrator user ID to login to the repository. | No | ADMIN |
adminPassword | Administrator password to login to the repository. | No | ADMIN |
credentialsFile | The file containing the administrator user's login credentials. | No | |
certificateFile | The file containing the administrator user's login certificate. | No | none |
smartCard | The alias to login using a smart card, or ? to list available aliases. | No | none |
logFile | Path to the log file. | No | repotools-application_createUser.log where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm. |
kerberos | Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNEGO by setting to true. Or authenticate with Windows Integrated Authentication by setting to windows. | No | None |
The following example is for Jazz® Team Server. To use
this command for other applications, run these options from the server directory:
- IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (Change and Configuration Management application): repotools-ccm
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (Requirements Management application): repotools-rm
- IBM Engineering Test Management (Quality Management application): repotools-qm
- Global Configuration Management: repotools-gc
- Data Collection Component: repotools-dcc
- IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights: repotools-relm
Open a command prompt and enter this command:
cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-jts.bat -createUser userid=testID name="Test User1" kerberos=true
Open a command line and enter
this command:
cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/ ./ -createUser userid=testID name="Test User1"