Fonts and color settings

As much as possible, this product uses the fonts and colors provided by the operating system. However, operating systems do not provide enough colors to handle all the extra information that colors and fonts provide in the workbench.

To set these fonts, click Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts. Color and font preferences are grouped into a Basic section and a section for each common view in the product. You can select any item for a preview.


Expand the Basic section. The following table lists common places in the user interface where you might customize the fonts that the Eclipse workbench uses:

Font Description
Banner font Used in Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) editors, on welcome pages, and in the title area of many wizards.
Dialog font Used in dialog windows.
Header font Used for section headings.
Text font Used in the system text editors.


The Eclipse workbench uses color as an information enhancement in many places. Whenever possible the workbench uses operating system color settings, but in cases where the operating system settings are not enough, the workbench defines additional colors.