Exporting practices

You can export a practice from a process description. Project administrators can then import that practice into their process descriptions.

Before you begin

To export a practice, you must have read access to the project area, team area, or process template whose process description contains the practice.


  1. Perform one of the following tasks:
    • To export a practice from a project area or team area process description:
      1. Navigate to the Project Areas page in the administrative web interface. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web).
      2. In the list of active project areas, click a project area to open it in the project area editor. To export a practice from a team area, click the team area that is listed in the Team Area Hierarchy section.
      3. Click the Process Description tab.
    • To export a practice from a process template:
      1. Navigate to the Templates page in the administrative web interface.
      2. In the Actions column for the process template, click Edit Process Description icon, the Edit Process Description icon.
  2. Navigate to the practice in the Practices pane and click Export Practice icon, the Export Practice icon. Click OK to save the practice in an archive file.

What to do next

Project administrators can now import the exported practice into their project area process descriptions. You can also import the exported practice into IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Method Composer.